8.1. Pyomo Basics#

8.1.1. Learning Objectives#

After studying this notebook, completing the activities, and asking questions in class, you should be able to:

  • Write nonlinear optimization problems in canonical form.

  • Create a concrete model using pyomo.

  • Solve and extract results from a pyomo model.

This cell installs Pyomo and Ipopt on Google Colab. To run this notebook
locally (e.g., with anaconda), you first need to install Pyomo and Ipopt.

import sys
if "google.colab" in sys.modules:
    !wget "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ndcbe/CBE60499/main/notebooks/helper.py"
    import helper
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from pyomo.environ import *

8.1.2. Overview#

So far, we have learned to numerically solve square systems of equations, i.e., systems with zero degrees of freedom. But as engineers, we often want to use extra degrees of freedom to improve one or more objective functions. For example, we may want to change the recycle flowrate in a chemical process to balance energy usage (operating cost) and equipment size (capital cost).

Here are two articles that give more examples of optimization problems.

  1. Water Reuse Networks

  2. Training Machine Learning Models

Consider joining AIChE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers) for free as an undergraduate student: https://www.aiche.org/community/students/student-membership

8.1.3. Constrained Nonlinear Optimization: Canonical Form#

Below is a nonlinear optimization problem in canonical form.

\[\begin{split}\begin{align}\min \quad & f(x) \\ \mathrm{s.t.} \quad & g(x) \geq 0 \\ & h(x) = 0 \\ & x \in \mathbb{R}^{n}\end{align}\end{split}\]

Note: Some textbooks alternately write \(g(x) \leq 0\) as canonical form.

Let’s walk through each part.

  • \(x\) is a \(1 \times n\) vector, known as the decision variable. We will stick with real numbers, i.e., \(x \in \mathbb{R}^n\). Temperatures, pressures, flowrates, and compositions are typical decision variables in chemical engineering problems.

  • \(f(x)\) is a scalar-valued function, known as the objective function. This is the quantity we want to minimize or maximize. Energy usage, efficiency, cost, and environmental impact are typical objective functions in chemical engineering problems.

  • \(g(x)\) is a vector-valued function, known as the inequality constraint. The most common inequality constraints in chemical engineering problems are bounds such as mole fractions being between 0 and 1, temperature must not exceed 1000K for safety reasons, etc. Sometimes we use inequality constraints to model process equipment (e.g., cannot destroy entropy).

  • \(h(x)\) is a vector-valued function, known as the equality constraint. Equality constraints are equations such as mass and energy balances, thermodynamic equations of state, and other engineering correlations you learned about in other chemical engineering classes.

8.1.4. Pyomo in an Example#

Let’s start with a purely mathematical example:

\[\begin{split}\begin{align*} \min_{x} \quad & x_1^2 + 2 x_2^2 - x_3 \\ \mathrm{s.t.} \quad & x_1 + x_2 = 1 \\ & x_1 + 2 x_2 - x_3 = 5 \\ & -10 \leq x_1, x_2, x_3 \leq 10 \end{align*} \end{split}\]

We want to solve the constrained optimization problem numerically.

scipy.optimize supports several different numerical methods for optimization. Based on past experiences, many of these implementations are not reliable. The solvers also do not use a standard interface.

Instead, we will learn how to use Pyomo, an open-source optimization modeling environment for Python. Prof. Dowling uses Pyomo in his research. Moreover, Prof. Kantor will ask you to use Pyomo extensively next year in Process Controls.

8.1.5. Declare Model#

We start by declaring the model in Pyomo.

Class Activity

Fill in the missing constraint.

# Create instance of concrete Pyomo model.
# concrete means all of the sets and model data are specified at the time of model construction.
# In this class, you'll use a concrete model.
m = ConcreteModel()

## Declare variables with initial values with bounds
m.x1 = Var(initialize=1, bounds=(-10, 10))
m.x2 = Var(initialize=1, bounds=(-10, 10))
m.x3 = Var(initialize=1, bounds=(-10, 10))

## Declare objective
m.OBJ = Objective(expr=m.x1**2 + 2*m.x2**2 - m.x3, sense = minimize)

## Declare equality constraints
m.h1 = Constraint(expr= m.x1 + m.x2 == 1)

# Add your solution here

## Display model

We see a lot of information printed on the screen. For example, we see:

3 Var Declarations
    x1 : Size=1, Index=None
        Key  : Lower : Value : Upper : Fixed : Stale : Domain
        None :   -10 :     1 :    10 : False : False :  Reals

This shows the lower bound, initial value, and upper bound for the variable named x1.

8.1.6. Solve Numerically#

We can now solve the optimization problem. We will use the solver Ipopt.

Class Activity

Run the code below.

## Specify IPOPT as solver
solver = SolverFactory('ipopt')

## Solve the model
results = solver.solve(m, tee = True) # tee = True prints the output of the solver

Now let’s inspect the solution. We’ll use the function value() to extract the numeric value from the Pyomo variable object.

## Return the solution
print("x1 = ",value(m.x1))
print("x2 = ",value(m.x2))
print("x3 = ",value(m.x3))

8.1.7. Visualize Solution#

Is our answer correct?

We can solve this optimization problem with guess and check. If we guess \(x_3\), we can then solve the constraints for \(x_1\) and \(x_2\). We can then evaluate the objective. Let’s see the graphical solution to our optimization problem.

Class Activity

First write the constraints as a linear system of equations. Then complete the function below to solve the following constraints. We will treat \(x_1\) and \(x_2\) as the unknown variables. We will treat \(x_3\) as a known constant (parameter).

def constraints(x3):
    ''' Solve the linear constraints
        x3: Value for the decision variable x3
        x1 and x2: Values calculated from the constraints
    # create arrays for A and b to solve the linear system of equations
    A = np.array([[1, 1],[1, 2]])
    b = np.array([1, 5+x3])
    # solve the linear system
    z = np.linalg.solve(A,b)
    x1 = z[0]
    x2 = z[1]
    return x1, x2

# Define a lambda function to plot the objective
objective = lambda x1, x2, x3: x1**2 + 2*x2**2 - x3

# Guess many values of x3.
x3_guesses = np.linspace(-10,4,21)
obj = []
for x3 in x3_guesses:
    # Solve the constraints to determine x1 and x2
    x1, x2 = constraints(x3)
    # Calculate then store the objective function value

# Plot the objective function value versus x3
plt.plot(x3_guesses, obj,color='blue',linewidth=2,label="Sensitivity Analysis")
x3_sln = value(m.x3)
obj_sln = value(m.OBJ)
plt.plot(x3_sln, obj_sln,marker='o',color='red',markersize=10,label="Pyomo Solution",linestyle='')

8.1.8. Example: Planting Cherry Trees#

Suppose we have 20,000 USD to invest in planting cherry trees. We can plant a mix of sour (dessert) cherries and sweet cherries (the ones you like to eat). The sour cherry trees cost 20 USD each, and the sweet cherry trees cost 10 USD each. The sweet cherries, however, can be sold for 100 USD per tree per year when mature if fully pollinated, while the sour cherries can be sold for only 25 USD per tree when mature. Finally, the yield per tree of the sweet cherry trees depends on their proximity to the sour cherry trees, since they are not self-pollinating. If the number of sour trees is given by \(x_1\) and the number of sweet trees is \(x_2\), we shall take the yield (the fraction of the fully pollinated yield) of the sweet trees to be \(x_1\) / (\(x_2\) + \(x_1\)).

8.1.9. Step 1: Develop Mathematical Model, Convert to Canonical Form#

Class Activity

Write the optimization problem in canonical form on paper. Use this to solve step 2.

8.1.10. Step 2: Solve in Python#

Class Activity

Finish the Pyomo model below.

## Problem Specifications

# Concrete model
m = ConcreteModel()

# Budget
b = 20000;

# Cost per sour tree
c1 = 20;

# Cost per sweet tree
c2 = 10;

# Revenue per fully polinated sour tree
p1 = 25;

# Revenue per fully polinated sweet tree
p2 = 100

## Define variables
m.x1 = Var(initialize=1, bounds=(0,None)) # sour cherries
# Add your solution here

## Objective function
# Add your solution here

## Constraint
# Add your solution here

## Print the model

Class Activity

Solve the Pyomo model.

## Solve the model
# Recall, we already defined solver
results = solver.solve(m, tee = True)
# Print the solution
print("Plant ",value(m.x1),"sour cherry trees")
print("Plant ",value(m.x2),"sweet cherry trees")
print("Giving revenue of",value(m.obj),"dollars")

8.1.11. Interpret Answer#

Can we plant 2/3 of a cherry tree?

Class Activity

Determine the best way to round the solution.

## Let's plant 667 sour trees and resolve
results = solver.solve(m, tee = False)
print("Plant ",value(m.x1),"sour cherry trees")
print("Plant ",value(m.x2),"sweet cherry trees")
print("Giving revenue of",value(m.obj),"dollars")
## What if we instead plant 666 sour trees?
results = solver.solve(m, tee = False)
print("Plant ",value(m.x1),"sour cherry trees")
print("Plant ",value(m.x2),"sweet cherry trees")
print("Giving revenue of",value(m.obj),"dollars")

Which method produces a larger revenue? Is there a significant difference?