Algorithms Homework 3#

Assignment Overview: In this assignment, we will complete the function unconstrained_newton which implements four Hessian options (exact, SR1 approximation, BFGS approximation, steepest descent) and three globalization strategies (none, line search, trust region). We will then compare 10 algorithm variations on three test problems.

The best way to really learn the algorithms discussed in lecture is to implement them yourselves. Creating a function like unconstrained_newton from scratch takes a lot of time and comfort with Python. Instead, we will start with fairly complete version of unconstrained_newton. You will need to fill in the following details:

  • BFGS Hessian approximation

  • Backtracking line search with Armijo-Goldstein conditions

  • Trust region with Powell dogleg step

This assignment could take a long time, especially if you are still learning Python. Recognizing this, we will try a new grading policy for this assignment.

Instructions: To be eligible for full credit on the assignment, you need to:

  1. Complete all requested pseudocode

  2. Spend an honest 6 hours (4 hours for CBE 40499) total working on Python implementation.

  3. Be sure to complete the Feature Status subsection.

  4. The (hopefully) correct results for the test cases are available online in this notebook. Answer the questions using these results.


After reading through the entire assignment, please prepare pseudocode for the following functions/algorithms:

  1. SR1 update (Python code is provided. Going from code to pseudocode is good practice.)

  2. BFGS update

  3. Line search

  4. Trust region

Please turn in this pseudocode via Gradescope.

Reminder: pseudocode should not look like Python code copied to paper. Instead, pseudocode should clearly communicate the main steps of the algorithm with flow logic. Add lots of comments. It should not be programming language specific.

Unconstrained NLP Algorithm in Python#

Library of Helper Functions#

Below is a library of helpful functions. Most of these came from in class examples.

# Load required Python libraries.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg

## Check is element of array is NaN
def check_nan(A):
    return np.sum(np.isnan(A))

## Calculate gradient with central finite difference
def my_grad_approx(x,f,eps1,verbose=False):
    Calculate gradient of function my_f using central difference formula
        x - point for which to evaluate gradient
        f - function to consider
        eps1 - perturbation size
        grad - gradient (vector)
    n = len(x)
    grad = np.zeros(n)
        print("***** my_grad_approx at x = ",x,"*****")
    for i in range(0,n):
        # Create vector of zeros except eps in position i
        e = np.zeros(n)
        e[i] = eps1
        # Finite difference formula
        my_f_plus = f(x + e)
        my_f_minus = f(x - e)
        # Diagnostics
            print("e[",i,"] = ",e)
            print("f(x + e[",i,"]) = ",my_f_plus)
            print("f(x - e[",i,"]) = ",my_f_minus)
        grad[i] = (my_f_plus - my_f_minus)/(2*eps1)
        print("***** Done. ***** \n")
    return grad

## Calculate gradient using central finite difference and my_hes_approx
def my_hes_approx(x,grad,eps2):
    Calculate Hessian of function my_f using central difference formula and my_grad
        x - point for which to evaluate gradient
        grad - function to calculate the gradient
        eps2 - perturbation size (for Hessian NOT gradient approximation)
        H - Hessian (matrix)
    n = len(x)
    H = np.zeros([n,n])
    for i in range(0,n):
        # Create vector of zeros except eps in position i
        e = np.zeros(n)
        e[i] = eps2
        # Evaluate gradient twice
        grad_plus = grad(x + e)
        grad_minus = grad(x - e)
        # Notice we are building the Hessian by column (or row)
        H[:,i] = (grad_plus - grad_minus)/(2*eps2)

    return H

## Linear algebra calculation
def xxT(u):
    Calculates u*u.T to circumvent limitation with SciPy
    u - numpy 1D array
    Assume u is a nx1 vector.
    Recall: NumPy does not distinguish between row or column vectors returns a scalar. This functon returns an nxn matrix.
    n = len(u)
    A = np.zeros([n,n])
    for i in range(0,n):
        for j in range(0,n):
            A[i,j] = u[i]*u[j]
    return A

## Analyze Hessian
def analyze_hes(B):
    l = linalg.eigvals(B)
    print("Eigenvalues: ",l,"\n")

Main Function#

Below is the main function. You need to complete details in four functions.

def unconstrained_newton(calc_f,calc_grad,calc_hes,x0,verbose=False,max_iter=50,
                         algorithm="newton",globalization="line-search", # specify algorithm
                         eps_dx=1E-6,eps_df=1E-6, # Convergence tolerances (all)
                         eta_ls=0.25,rho_ls=0.9,alpha_max=1.0, # line search parameters
                         delta_max_tr=10.0,delta_0_tr=2.0, # trust region parameters
                         kappa_1_tr = 0.25, kappa_2_tr = 0.75, gamma_tr=0.125 # trust region parameters
    Newton-Type Methods for Unconstrained Nonlinear Continuous Optimization
    Arguments (required):
        calc_f : function f(x) to minimize [scalar]
        calc_grad: gradient of f(x) [vector]
        calc_hes: Hessian of f(x) [matrix]
    Arguments (options):
        algorithm : specify main algorithm.
            choices: "newton", "sr1", "bfgs", "steepest-descent"
        globalization : specify globalization strategy
            choices: "none", "line-search", "trust-region"
        eps_dx : tolerance for step size norm (convergence), eps1 in notes
        eps_df : tolerance for gradient norm (convergence), eps2 in notes
        eta_ls : parameter for Goldstein-Armijo conditions (line search only)
        rho_ls : parameter to shrink (backstep) line search
        alpha_max : initial step length scaling for line search and/or steepest-descent
        delta_max_tr : maximum trust region size
        delta_0_tr : initial trust region size
        kappa_1_tr : 'shrink' tolerance for trust region
        kappa_2_tr : 'expand' tolerance for trust region
        gamma_tr : 'accept step' tolerance for trust region
        x : iteration history for x (decision variables) [list of numpy arrays]
        f : iteration history for f(x) (objective values) [list of numpy arrays]
        p : iteration history for p (steps)
        B : iteration history for Hessian approximations [list of numpy arrays]
    # Allocate outputs as empty lists
    x = [] # decision variables
    f = [] # objective values
    p = [] # steps
    grad = [] # gradients
    alpha = [] # line search / steepest descent step scalar
    B = [] # Hessian approximation
    delta = [] # trust region size
    rho = [] # trust region actual/prediction ratio
    step_accepted = [] # step status for trust region. True means accepted. False means rejected.
    # Note: alpha, delta and rho will remain empty lists unless used in the algorithm below
    # Store starting point
    k = 0
    flag = True
    # Print header for iteration information
    print("Iter. \tf(x) \t\t||grad(x)|| \t||p|| \t\tmin(eig(B)) \talpha \t\tdelta \t\tstep")
    while flag and k < max_iter:
        # Evaluate f(x) at current iteration
        # Evaluate gradient
            print("WARNING: gradiant calculation returned NaN")
        if verbose:
            print("k = ",k)
            print("x = ",x[k])
            print("grad = ",grad[k])
            print("f = ",f[k])

        # Calculate exact Hessian or update approximation
        if(algorithm == "newton"):
        elif k == 0 or algorithm == "steepest-descent":
            # Initialize or set to identity
        elif algorithm == "sr1" or algorithm == "bfgs":
            # Change in x
            s = x[k] - x[k-1]

            # Change in gradient
            y = grad[k] - grad[k-1]

            if verbose:
                print("s = ",s)
                print("y = ",y)
            if algorithm == "sr1": # Calculate SR1 update
                dB = sr1_update(s, y, k, B, verbose)
                B.append(B[k-1] + dB)
            else: # Calculate BFGS update  
                dB = bfgs_update(s, y, k, B, verbose)
                B.append(B[k-1] + dB) 

            print("WARNING. algorithm = ",algorithm," is not supported.")

        if verbose:
            print("B = \n",B[k])
            print("B[k].shape = ",B[k].shape)
            print("WARNING: Hessian update returned NaN")
        c = np.linalg.cond(B[k])
        if c > 1E12:
            flag = False
            print("Warning: Hessian approximation is near singular.")
            print("B[k] = \n",B[k])
            # Solve linear system to calculate step
            pk = linalg.solve(B[k],-grad[k])
            if globalization == "none":
                if algorithm == "steepest-descent":
                    # Save step and scale by alpha_max
                    # Take full step
                # Apply step and calculate x[k+1]
                x.append(x[k] + p[k])
            elif globalization == "line-search":
                # Line Search Function
                update, alphak = line_search(x, f, grad, calc_f, pk, k, alpha_max, eta_ls, rho_ls, verbose)
                # Now the line search is complete, apply final value of alphak
                # Save alpha
                # Apply step and calculate x[k+1]
                x.append(x[k] + p[k])
            elif globalization == "trust-region":
                # Trust region function
                update = trust_region(x, grad, B, delta, k, pk, delta_0_tr, verbose)
                ### Trust region management

                # Actual reduction
                ared = f[k] - calc_f(x[k] + p[k])

                # Predicted reduction
                pred = -(grad[k].dot(p[k]) + 0.5*p[k].dot(B[k].dot(p[k])))

                # Calculate rho
                if ared == 0 and pred == 0:
                    # This occurs is the gradient is zero and Hessian is P.D.

                    print("f[k] = ",f[k])
                    print("p[k] = ",p[k])
                    print("f(x[k] + p[k]) = ",calc_f(x[k] + p[k]))
                    print("ared = ",ared)
                    print("pred = ",pred)
                    print("rho = ",rho[k])

                ## Check trust region shrink/expand logic
                if rho[k] < kappa_1_tr:
                    # Shrink trust region

                elif rho[k] > kappa_2_tr and np.abs(linalg.norm(p[k]) - delta[k]) < 1E-6:
                    # Expand trust region
                    delta.append(np.min([2*delta[k], delta_max_tr]))

                    # Keep trust region same size

                # Compute step
                if rho[k] > gamma_tr:
                    # Take step
                    x.append(x[k] + p[k])
                    # Skip step
                print("Warning: globalization strategy not supported")

            if verbose:
                print("p = ",p[k])

            # Calculate norms
            norm_p = linalg.norm(p[k])
            norm_g = linalg.norm(grad[k])

            # Calculate eigenvalues of Hessian (for display only)
            min_ev = np.min(np.real(linalg.eigvals(B[k])))

            print("f[k] = ",f[k])
            print("norm_g = ",norm_g)
            print("norm_g = ",norm_p)
            print("min_ev = ",min_ev)
            print(k,'  \t{0: 1.4e} \t{1:1.4e} \t{2:1.4e} \t{3: 1.4e}'.format(f[k],norm_g,norm_p,min_ev),end='')

            # Python tip. The expression 'if my_list' is false if 'my_list' is empty
            if not alpha:
                # alpha is an empty list
                print(' \t -------',end='')
                # otherwise print value of alpha
                print(' \t{0: 1.2e}'.format(alpha[k]),end='')
            if not delta:
                # delta is an empty list
                print(' \t -------',end='')
                # otherwise print value of alpha
                print(' \t{0: 1.2e}'.format(delta[k]),end='')
            if not step_accepted:
                print(' \t -----')
                if step_accepted[k]:
                    print(' \t accept')
                    print(' \t reject')
            # Check convergence criteria.
            flag = (norm_p > eps_dx) and (norm_g > eps_df)

            # Update iteration counter
            k = k + 1
    if(k == max_iter and flag):
        print("Reached maximum number of iterations.")
    print("x* = ",x[-1])
    return x,f,p,B
def sr1_update(s, y, k, B, verbose):
    Function that implements the sr1 optimization algorithm
    s : Change in x
    y : Change in gradient
    k : Iteration number
    B : Hessian approximation
    verbose : toggles verbose output (True or False)
    dB : Update to Hessian approximation
    # SR1 formulation
    u = y - B[k-1].dot(s)
    denom = (u).dot(s)

    # Formula: dB = u * u.T / (u.T * s) if u is a column vector.
    if abs(denom) <= 1E-10:
        # Skip update
        dB = 0
        # Calculate update
        dB = xxT(u)/denom

        print("SR1 update denominator, (y-B[k-1]*s).T*s = ",denom)
        print("SR1 update u = ",u)
        print("SR1 update u.T*u/(u.T*s) = \n",dB)
    return dB #return the update to the Hessian approximation
def bfgs_update(s, y, k, B, verbose):
    Function that implements the BFGS optimization algorithm
    s : Change in x
    y : Change in gradient
    k : Iteration number
    B : Hessian approximation
    verbose : toggles verbose output (True or False)
    dB : Update to Hessian approximation
    # Define constant used to check norm of the update
    # See Eq. (3.19) in Biegler (2010)
    C2 = 1E-4
    # Calculate intermediate
    sy =
    # Calculate Term 2 denominator
    # s.T * Bk * s
    d2 =[k-1].dot(s))
    # Condition check
    C2norm = C2*linalg.norm(s,2)**2
    if sy <= C2norm or d2 <= 1E-8:
        skip = True
        skip = False
    # Add your solution here
    return dB #return the update to the Hessian approximation
def line_search(x, f, grad, calc_f, pk, k, alpha_max, eta_ls, rho_ls, verbose):
    Function that implements the line search globalization strategy
    x : decision variables
    f : objective values
    grad : gradients
    calc_f : function f(x) to minimize [scalar]
    pk : step
    k - Iteration number
    alpha_max : initial step length scaling for line search and/or steepest-descent
    eta_ls : parameter for Goldstein-Armijo conditions (line search only)
    rho_ls : parameter to shrink (backstep) line search
    verbose : toggles verbose output (True or False)
    update : update to p
    alphak : update to alpha
    # Flag - continue line search?
    ls = True

    ## Initialize alpha
    alphak = alpha_max

        print("\t LINE SEARCH")

    while ls:

        # Calculate test point (if step accepted)
        xtest = x[k] + alphak*pk

        # Evaluate f(x) at test point. This is used for Armijo and Goldstein conditions
        ftest = calc_f(xtest)
        # Add your solution here

    # Now the line search is complete, apply final value of alphak
    update = alphak*pk
    return update, alphak
def trust_region(x, grad, B, delta, k, pk, delta_0_tr, verbose):
    Function that implements the trust region globalization strategy
    x : decision variables
    grad : gradients
    B : Hessian approximation
    delta : trust region size
    k : Iteration number
    pk : step
    delta_0_tr : initial trust region size
    verbose : toggles verbose output (True or False)
    update : update to p
    ### Initialize trust region radius
    if(k == 0):

    grad_zero = (linalg.norm(grad[k]) < 1E-14)

    ### Powell dogleg step

    # Calculate Cauchy step (pC)
    denom = grad[k].dot(B[k].dot(grad[k]))
    if verbose:
        print("TR: Cauchy step. grad.T*B*grad = ",denom)

    if denom > 0:
        # Term in ( ) is a scalar
        pC = -(grad[k].dot(grad[k])/denom)*grad[k]
    elif grad_zero:
        pC = np.zeros(len(x[k]))
        pC = - delta[k]/linalg.norm(grad[k])*grad[k]

    # Use Newton step (calculate above)
    pN = pk

    # Determine step
    if linalg.norm(pN) <= delta[k]:
        # Take Newton step. pN is inside the trust region.
        update = pN
    # Add your solution here
    return update

Feature Status#

For each feature, please indicate the status upon submission.


Status: please choose from “implemented and tested”, “implemented but testing incomplete”, “implementation incomplete”, “did not attempt implementation”

Details: Please describe in a few sentences or bullet points the outstanding tasks.


Status: please choose from “implemented and tested”, “implemented but testing incomplete”, “implementation incomplete”, “did not attempt implementation”

Details: Please describe in a few sentences or bullet points the outstanding tasks.

Trust Region#

Status: please choose from “implemented and tested”, “implemented but testing incomplete”, “implementation incomplete”, “did not attempt implementation”

Details: Please describe in a few sentences or bullet points the outstanding tasks.

Benchmark Tests#

In the remainder of the assignment, we will compare using several variants of Newton-type methods in different test problems taken from in class examples. For each problem at a given starting point, we will consider ten algorithm cases:

  1. Newton method with exact Hessian and no globalization strategy

  2. Newton method with exact Hessian and line search

  3. Newton method with exact Hessian and Powell dogleg trust region

  4. Quasi-Newton method with SR1 Hessian approximation and no globalization strategy

  5. Quasi-Newton method with SR1 Hessian approximation and line search

  6. Quasi-Newton method with SR1 Hessian approximation and Powell dogleg trust region

  7. Quasi-Newton method with BFGS Hessian approximation and no globalization strategy

  8. Quasi-Newton method with BFGS Hessian approximation and line search

  9. Quasi-Newton method with BFGS Hessian approximation and Powell dogleg trust region

  10. Steepest descent with line search

We will then assess each candidate solution by the eigenvalues of the true Hessian. The norm of the gradient is already displayed.

All of this analysis has been automated in a function below.

def check_sln(x,calc_hes):
    Hval = calc_hes(x)
    l, v = linalg.eig(Hval)
    print("Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* = ",l)

def benchmark(x0,calc_f,calc_grad,calc_hes,verbose,cases=range(0,10)):
    Test 10 algorithm cases for a single starting point
        x0 - starting point
        calc_f - function to evaluate objective
        calc_grad - function to evaluate gradient
        calc_hes - function to evaluate Hessian
        verbose - toggles verbose output (True or False)
        cases - list of cases to consider. Especially helpful for debugging.
            For example, setting cases=[1, 2] runs only case 2 and 3 (recall, Python starting counting at 0)
    for i in cases:
        if i == 0:
            print("***Case 1: Newton method with exact Hessian and no globalization strategy***")
            x1,f,p,B = unconstrained_newton(calc_f,calc_grad,calc_hes,x0,verbose,
        if i == 1:
            print("***Case 2: Newton method with exact Hessian and line search***")
            x2,f,p,B = unconstrained_newton(calc_f,calc_grad,calc_hes,x0,verbose,
        if i == 2:
            print("***Case 3: Newton method with exact Hessian and trust region***")
            x3,f,p,B = unconstrained_newton(calc_f,calc_grad,calc_hes,x0,verbose,
        if i == 3:
            print("***Case 4: Quasi-Newton method with SR1 Hessian approximation and no globalization strategy***")
            x4,f,p,B = unconstrained_newton(calc_f,calc_grad,calc_hes,x0,verbose,
        if i == 4:
            print("***Case 5: Quasi-Newton method with SR1 Hessian approximation and line search***")
            x5,f,p,B = unconstrained_newton(calc_f,calc_grad,calc_hes,x0,verbose,
        if i == 5:
            print("***Case 6: Quasi-Newton method with SR1 Hessian approximation and trust region***")
            x6,f,p,B = unconstrained_newton(calc_f,calc_grad,calc_hes,x0,verbose,

        if i == 6:
            print("***Case 7: Quasi-Newton method with BFGS Hessian approximation and no globalization strategy***")
            x7,f,p,B = unconstrained_newton(calc_f,calc_grad,calc_hes,x0,verbose,
        if i == 7:
            print("***Case 8: Quasi-Newton method with BFGS Hessian approximation and line search***")
            x8,f,p,B = unconstrained_newton(calc_f,calc_grad,calc_hes,x0,verbose,

        if i == 8:
            print("***Case 9: Quasi-Newton method with BFGS Hessian approximation and trust region***")
            x9,f,p,B = unconstrained_newton(calc_f,calc_grad,calc_hes,x0,verbose,

        if i == 9:
            print("***Case 10: Steepest Descent and line search***")
            x10,f,p,B = unconstrained_newton(calc_f,calc_grad,calc_hes,x0,verbose,

Quadratic Test Problem#

Start debugging your function with the following problem:

\[\min_x ~~ x_1^2 + (x_2 -1)^2\]
def my_f(x):
    return x[0]**2 + (x[1]-1)**2

def my_grad(x):
    return np.array([2*x[0], 2*(x[1] - 1) ])

def my_hes(x):
    return 2*np.eye(2)

Benchmark Cases#

The following code below runs cases 1 through 10. You can specify only a subset using the cases keyword.

x0 = np.array([-3.0,2.0])
***Case 1: Newton method with exact Hessian and no globalization strategy***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.0000e+01 	6.3246e+00 	3.1623e+00 	 2.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
1   	 0.0000e+00 	0.0000e+00 	0.0000e+00 	 2.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
x* =  [0. 1.]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [2.+0.j 2.+0.j]

***Case 2: Newton method with exact Hessian and line search***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.0000e+01 	6.3246e+00 	3.1623e+00 	 2.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
1   	 0.0000e+00 	0.0000e+00 	0.0000e+00 	 2.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
x* =  [0. 1.]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [2.+0.j 2.+0.j]

***Case 3: Newton method with exact Hessian and trust region***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.0000e+01 	6.3246e+00 	2.0000e+00 	 2.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
1   	 1.3509e+00 	2.3246e+00 	1.1623e+00 	 2.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 4.00e+00 	 accept
2   	 0.0000e+00 	0.0000e+00 	0.0000e+00 	 2.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 4.00e+00 	 accept
x* =  [0. 1.]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [2.+0.j 2.+0.j]

***Case 4: Quasi-Newton method with SR1 Hessian approximation and no globalization strategy***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.0000e+01 	6.3246e+00 	6.3246e+00 	 1.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
1   	 1.0000e+01 	6.3246e+00 	3.1623e+00 	 1.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
2   	 1.9722e-31 	8.8818e-16 	5.0634e-16 	 1.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
x* =  [4.4408921e-17 1.0000000e+00]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [2.+0.j 2.+0.j]

***Case 5: Quasi-Newton method with SR1 Hessian approximation and line search***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.0000e+01 	6.3246e+00 	4.6106e+00 	 1.0000e+00 	 7.29e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
1   	 2.0976e+00 	2.8966e+00 	1.4483e+00 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
2   	 0.0000e+00 	0.0000e+00 	0.0000e+00 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
x* =  [0. 1.]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [2.+0.j 2.+0.j]

***Case 6: Quasi-Newton method with SR1 Hessian approximation and trust region***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.0000e+01 	6.3246e+00 	2.0000e+00 	 1.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
1   	 1.3509e+00 	2.3246e+00 	1.1623e+00 	 1.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 4.00e+00 	 accept
2   	 9.8608e-32 	6.2804e-16 	5.7902e-16 	 1.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 4.00e+00 	 accept
x* =  [-8.8817842e-17  1.0000000e+00]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [2.+0.j 2.+0.j]

***Case 7: Quasi-Newton method with BFGS Hessian approximation and no globalization strategy***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.0000e+01 	6.3246e+00 	6.3246e+00 	 1.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
1   	 1.0000e+01 	6.3246e+00 	3.1623e+00 	 1.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
2   	 1.9722e-31 	8.8818e-16 	5.0634e-16 	 1.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
x* =  [4.4408921e-17 1.0000000e+00]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [2.+0.j 2.+0.j]

***Case 8: Quasi-Newton method with BFGS Hessian approximation and line search***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.0000e+01 	6.3246e+00 	4.6106e+00 	 1.0000e+00 	 7.29e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
1   	 2.0976e+00 	2.8966e+00 	1.4483e+00 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
2   	 0.0000e+00 	0.0000e+00 	0.0000e+00 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
x* =  [0. 1.]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [2.+0.j 2.+0.j]

***Case 9: Quasi-Newton method with BFGS Hessian approximation and trust region***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.0000e+01 	6.3246e+00 	2.0000e+00 	 1.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
1   	 1.3509e+00 	2.3246e+00 	1.1623e+00 	 1.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 4.00e+00 	 accept
2   	 9.8608e-32 	6.2804e-16 	5.7902e-16 	 1.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 4.00e+00 	 accept
x* =  [-8.8817842e-17  1.0000000e+00]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [2.+0.j 2.+0.j]

***Case 10: Steepest Descent and line search***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.0000e+01 	6.3246e+00 	4.6106e+00 	 1.0000e+00 	 7.29e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
1   	 2.0976e+00 	2.8966e+00 	2.1117e+00 	 1.0000e+00 	 7.29e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
2   	 4.4001e-01 	1.3267e+00 	9.6714e-01 	 1.0000e+00 	 7.29e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
3   	 9.2298e-02 	6.0761e-01 	4.4295e-01 	 1.0000e+00 	 7.29e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
4   	 1.9361e-02 	2.7829e-01 	2.0287e-01 	 1.0000e+00 	 7.29e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
5   	 4.0612e-03 	1.2746e-01 	9.2915e-02 	 1.0000e+00 	 7.29e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
6   	 8.5189e-04 	5.8374e-02 	4.2555e-02 	 1.0000e+00 	 7.29e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
7   	 1.7870e-04 	2.6736e-02 	1.9490e-02 	 1.0000e+00 	 7.29e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
8   	 3.7484e-05 	1.2245e-02 	8.9265e-03 	 1.0000e+00 	 7.29e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
9   	 7.8628e-06 	5.6081e-03 	4.0883e-03 	 1.0000e+00 	 7.29e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
10   	 1.6493e-06 	2.5685e-03 	1.8725e-03 	 1.0000e+00 	 7.29e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
11   	 3.4597e-07 	1.1764e-03 	8.5759e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 7.29e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
12   	 7.2572e-08 	5.3879e-04 	3.9277e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 7.29e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
13   	 1.5223e-08 	2.4676e-04 	1.7989e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 7.29e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
14   	 3.1933e-09 	1.1302e-04 	8.2390e-05 	 1.0000e+00 	 7.29e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
15   	 6.6983e-10 	5.1762e-05 	3.7735e-05 	 1.0000e+00 	 7.29e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
16   	 1.4051e-10 	2.3707e-05 	1.7282e-05 	 1.0000e+00 	 7.29e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
17   	 2.9473e-11 	1.0858e-05 	7.9154e-06 	 1.0000e+00 	 7.29e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
18   	 6.1824e-12 	4.9729e-06 	3.6252e-06 	 1.0000e+00 	 7.29e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
19   	 1.2968e-12 	2.2776e-06 	1.6604e-06 	 1.0000e+00 	 7.29e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
20   	 2.7203e-13 	1.0431e-06 	7.6044e-07 	 1.0000e+00 	 7.29e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
x* =  [2.26618986e-07 9.99999924e-01]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [2.+0.j 2.+0.j]

Discussion and Analysis#

Classify the solutions.


Should we expect the SR1, BFGS, and steepest descent (all with line search) to always have the same results for the first iteration? Explain in a few sentences.


For this problem, should we always expect all of the cases to converge to the same solution (regardless of starting point)? Explain in a few sentences.


One-Dimensional Example#

Consider a scalar function \(f(x): \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\). Recall

\[f(x) = 0.5 (x-1)^4 + (x+1)^3 - 10 x^2 + 5 x\]
\[f'(x) = 6 - 8 x - 3 x^2 + 2 x^3\]
\[f''(x) = -8 - 6 x + 6 x^2 \]
## Define f(x)
f_ = lambda x : 0.5*(x[0]-1)**4 + (x[0]+1)**3 - 10*x[0]**2 + 5*x[0]

## Define f'(x)
df_ = lambda x : (6 - 8*x[0] - 3*x[0]**2 + 2*x[0]**3)*np.ones(1)

## Define f''(x)
ddf_ = lambda x : (-8 - 6*x[0] + 6*x[0]**2)*np.ones((1,1))

Benchmark Cases with \(x_0 = -3\)#

x0 = np.ones(1)*(-3.0)
***Case 1: Newton method with exact Hessian and no globalization strategy***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.5000e+01 	5.1000e+01 	7.9688e-01 	 6.4000e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
1   	-8.6609e+00 	1.2323e+01 	3.5884e-01 	 3.4341e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
2   	-1.1113e+01 	1.9961e+00 	8.5033e-02 	 2.3474e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
3   	-1.1201e+01 	1.0047e-01 	4.7561e-03 	 2.1125e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
4   	-1.1201e+01 	3.0641e-04 	1.4594e-05 	 2.0996e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
5   	-1.1201e+01 	2.8809e-09 	1.3721e-10 	 2.0996e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
x* =  [-1.75447804]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [20.99602743+0.j]

***Case 2: Newton method with exact Hessian and line search***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.5000e+01 	5.1000e+01 	7.9688e-01 	 6.4000e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
1   	-8.6609e+00 	1.2323e+01 	3.5884e-01 	 3.4341e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
2   	-1.1113e+01 	1.9961e+00 	8.5033e-02 	 2.3474e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
3   	-1.1201e+01 	1.0047e-01 	4.7561e-03 	 2.1125e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
4   	-1.1201e+01 	3.0641e-04 	1.4594e-05 	 2.0996e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
5   	-1.1201e+01 	2.8809e-09 	1.3721e-10 	 2.0996e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
x* =  [-1.75447804]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [20.99602743+0.j]

***Case 3: Newton method with exact Hessian and trust region***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.5000e+01 	5.1000e+01 	7.9688e-01 	 6.4000e+01 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
1   	-8.6609e+00 	1.2323e+01 	3.5884e-01 	 3.4341e+01 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
2   	-1.1113e+01 	1.9961e+00 	8.5033e-02 	 2.3474e+01 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
3   	-1.1201e+01 	1.0047e-01 	4.7561e-03 	 2.1125e+01 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
4   	-1.1201e+01 	3.0641e-04 	1.4594e-05 	 2.0996e+01 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
5   	-1.1201e+01 	2.8809e-09 	1.3721e-10 	 2.0996e+01 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
x* =  [-1.75447804]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [20.99602743+0.j]

***Case 4: Quasi-Newton method with SR1 Hessian approximation and no globalization strategy***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.5000e+01 	5.1000e+01 	5.1000e+01 	 1.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
1   	 2.5347e+06 	2.1389e+05 	5.0988e+01 	 4.1950e+03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
2   	 1.4385e+01 	5.0225e+01 	1.1970e-02 	 4.1960e+03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
3   	 1.3788e+01 	4.9468e+01 	7.8223e-01 	 6.3240e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
4   	-8.7761e+00 	1.1999e+01 	2.5050e-01 	 4.7900e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
5   	-1.0797e+01 	4.4562e+00 	1.4799e-01 	 3.0111e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
6   	-1.1184e+01 	8.7657e-01 	3.6239e-02 	 2.4188e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
7   	-1.1201e+01 	9.3432e-02 	4.3236e-03 	 2.1610e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
8   	-1.1201e+01 	2.3882e-03 	1.1341e-04 	 2.1058e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
9   	-1.1201e+01 	6.8113e-06 	3.2439e-07 	 2.0998e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
x* =  [-1.75447804]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [20.99602743+0.j]

***Case 5: Quasi-Newton method with SR1 Hessian approximation and line search***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.5000e+01 	5.1000e+01 	1.7512e+00 	 1.0000e+00 	 3.43e-02 	 ------- 	 -----
1   	-9.0674e+00 	7.4167e+00 	2.2233e-01 	 3.3359e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
2   	-1.0458e+01 	4.9083e+00 	3.9155e-01 	 1.1282e+01 	 9.00e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
3   	-1.1073e+01 	2.4333e+00 	1.2978e-01 	 1.8750e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
4   	-1.1197e+01 	4.4617e-01 	2.0109e-02 	 2.2188e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
5   	-1.1201e+01 	3.0206e-02 	1.4602e-03 	 2.0686e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
6   	-1.1201e+01 	4.2458e-04 	2.0241e-05 	 2.0977e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
Line search failure. alpha =  0.43046721000000016
7   	-1.1201e+01 	3.9417e-07 	8.0888e-09 	 2.0977e+01 	 4.30e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
x* =  [-1.75447803]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [20.99602714+0.j]

***Case 6: Quasi-Newton method with SR1 Hessian approximation and trust region***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.5000e+01 	5.1000e+01 	2.0000e+00 	 1.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
1   	-7.0000e+00 	9.0000e+00 	3.0000e-01 	 3.0000e+01 	 ------- 	 5.00e-01 	 accept
2   	-9.4350e+00 	6.9360e+00 	5.0000e-01 	 6.8800e+00 	 ------- 	 5.00e-01 	 accept
3   	-1.1179e+01 	9.8400e-01 	6.2121e-02 	 1.5840e+01 	 ------- 	 5.00e-01 	 accept
4   	-1.1199e+01 	3.4480e-01 	1.6119e-02 	 2.1390e+01 	 ------- 	 5.00e-01 	 accept
5   	-1.1201e+01 	1.0073e-02 	4.8506e-04 	 2.0766e+01 	 ------- 	 5.00e-01 	 accept
6   	-1.1201e+01 	1.0867e-04 	5.1775e-06 	 2.0990e+01 	 ------- 	 5.00e-01 	 accept
7   	-1.1201e+01 	3.3607e-08 	1.6011e-09 	 2.0990e+01 	 ------- 	 5.00e-01 	 accept
x* =  [-1.75447804]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [20.99602743+0.j]

***Case 7: Quasi-Newton method with BFGS Hessian approximation and no globalization strategy***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.5000e+01 	5.1000e+01 	5.1000e+01 	 1.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
1   	 2.5347e+06 	2.1389e+05 	5.0988e+01 	 4.1950e+03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
2   	 1.4385e+01 	5.0225e+01 	1.1970e-02 	 4.1960e+03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
3   	 1.3788e+01 	4.9468e+01 	7.8223e-01 	 6.3240e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
4   	-8.7761e+00 	1.1999e+01 	2.5050e-01 	 4.7900e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
5   	-1.0797e+01 	4.4562e+00 	1.4799e-01 	 3.0111e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
6   	-1.1184e+01 	8.7657e-01 	3.6239e-02 	 2.4188e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
7   	-1.1201e+01 	9.3432e-02 	4.3236e-03 	 2.1610e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
8   	-1.1201e+01 	2.3882e-03 	1.1341e-04 	 2.1058e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
9   	-1.1201e+01 	6.8113e-06 	3.2439e-07 	 2.0998e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
x* =  [-1.75447804]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [20.99602743+0.j]

***Case 8: Quasi-Newton method with BFGS Hessian approximation and line search***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.5000e+01 	5.1000e+01 	1.7512e+00 	 1.0000e+00 	 3.43e-02 	 ------- 	 -----
1   	-9.0674e+00 	7.4167e+00 	2.2233e-01 	 3.3359e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
2   	-1.0458e+01 	4.9083e+00 	3.9155e-01 	 1.1282e+01 	 9.00e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
3   	-1.1073e+01 	2.4333e+00 	1.2978e-01 	 1.8750e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
4   	-1.1197e+01 	4.4617e-01 	2.0109e-02 	 2.2188e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
5   	-1.1201e+01 	3.0206e-02 	1.4602e-03 	 2.0686e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
6   	-1.1201e+01 	4.2458e-04 	2.0241e-05 	 2.0977e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
Line search failure. alpha =  0.43046721000000016
7   	-1.1201e+01 	3.9417e-07 	8.0888e-09 	 2.0977e+01 	 4.30e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
x* =  [-1.75447803]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [20.99602714+0.j]

***Case 9: Quasi-Newton method with BFGS Hessian approximation and trust region***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.5000e+01 	5.1000e+01 	2.0000e+00 	 1.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
1   	-7.0000e+00 	9.0000e+00 	3.0000e-01 	 3.0000e+01 	 ------- 	 5.00e-01 	 accept
2   	-9.4350e+00 	6.9360e+00 	5.0000e-01 	 6.8800e+00 	 ------- 	 5.00e-01 	 accept
3   	-1.1179e+01 	9.8400e-01 	6.2121e-02 	 1.5840e+01 	 ------- 	 5.00e-01 	 accept
4   	-1.1199e+01 	3.4480e-01 	1.6119e-02 	 2.1390e+01 	 ------- 	 5.00e-01 	 accept
5   	-1.1201e+01 	1.0073e-02 	4.8506e-04 	 2.0766e+01 	 ------- 	 5.00e-01 	 accept
6   	-1.1201e+01 	1.0867e-04 	5.1775e-06 	 2.0990e+01 	 ------- 	 5.00e-01 	 accept
7   	-1.1201e+01 	3.3607e-08 	1.6011e-09 	 2.0990e+01 	 ------- 	 5.00e-01 	 accept
x* =  [-1.75447804]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [20.99602743+0.j]

***Case 10: Steepest Descent and line search***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.5000e+01 	5.1000e+01 	1.7512e+00 	 1.0000e+00 	 3.43e-02 	 ------- 	 -----
1   	-9.0674e+00 	7.4167e+00 	7.3037e-01 	 1.0000e+00 	 9.85e-02 	 ------- 	 -----
2   	-1.0619e+01 	5.4240e+00 	3.1540e-01 	 1.0000e+00 	 5.81e-02 	 ------- 	 -----
3   	-1.1118e+01 	1.7943e+00 	1.2881e-01 	 1.0000e+00 	 7.18e-02 	 ------- 	 -----
4   	-1.1186e+01 	8.2025e-01 	5.2997e-02 	 1.0000e+00 	 6.46e-02 	 ------- 	 -----
5   	-1.1199e+01 	3.0927e-01 	2.2202e-02 	 1.0000e+00 	 7.18e-02 	 ------- 	 -----
6   	-1.1201e+01 	1.5463e-01 	9.9909e-03 	 1.0000e+00 	 6.46e-02 	 ------- 	 -----
7   	-1.1201e+01 	5.5769e-02 	3.6033e-03 	 1.0000e+00 	 6.46e-02 	 ------- 	 -----
8   	-1.1201e+01 	1.9802e-02 	1.2794e-03 	 1.0000e+00 	 6.46e-02 	 ------- 	 -----
9   	-1.1201e+01 	7.0713e-03 	4.5688e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 6.46e-02 	 ------- 	 -----
10   	-1.1201e+01 	2.5201e-03 	1.6282e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 6.46e-02 	 ------- 	 -----
11   	-1.1201e+01 	8.9875e-04 	5.8069e-05 	 1.0000e+00 	 6.46e-02 	 ------- 	 -----
12   	-1.1201e+01 	3.2045e-04 	2.0704e-05 	 1.0000e+00 	 6.46e-02 	 ------- 	 -----
13   	-1.1201e+01 	1.1426e-04 	7.3828e-06 	 1.0000e+00 	 6.46e-02 	 ------- 	 -----
14   	-1.1201e+01 	4.0743e-05 	2.6324e-06 	 1.0000e+00 	 6.46e-02 	 ------- 	 -----
15   	-1.1201e+01 	1.4528e-05 	9.3866e-07 	 1.0000e+00 	 6.46e-02 	 ------- 	 -----
x* =  [-1.75447829]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [20.9960341+0.j]


Did all of the cases converge to the nearby solution?


Benchmark Case with \(x_0 = 0\)#

x0 = np.zeros(1)
***Case 1: Newton method with exact Hessian and no globalization strategy***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.5000e+00 	6.0000e+00 	7.5000e-01 	-8.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
1   	 3.4863e+00 	8.4375e-01 	9.2466e-02 	-9.1250e+00 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
2   	 3.5250e+00 	1.1244e-02 	1.2024e-03 	-9.3511e+00 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
3   	 3.5250e+00 	1.3700e-06 	1.4654e-07 	-9.3488e+00 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
x* =  [0.65873679]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [-9.34881579+0.j]

***Case 2: Newton method with exact Hessian and line search***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
Line search failure. alpha =  0.9
0   	 1.5000e+00 	6.0000e+00 	6.7500e-01 	-8.0000e+00 	 9.00e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
Line search failure. alpha =  0.9
1   	 3.5238e+00 	1.5178e-01 	1.4663e-02 	-9.3163e+00 	 9.00e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
Line search failure. alpha =  0.9
2   	 3.5250e+00 	1.4959e-02 	1.4405e-03 	-9.3458e+00 	 9.00e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
Line search failure. alpha =  0.9
3   	 3.5250e+00 	1.4939e-03 	1.4382e-04 	-9.3485e+00 	 9.00e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
Line search failure. alpha =  0.9
4   	 3.5250e+00 	1.4937e-04 	1.4380e-05 	-9.3488e+00 	 9.00e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
Line search failure. alpha =  0.9
5   	 3.5250e+00 	1.4937e-05 	1.4379e-06 	-9.3488e+00 	 9.00e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
Line search failure. alpha =  0.9
6   	 3.5250e+00 	1.4937e-06 	1.4379e-07 	-9.3488e+00 	 9.00e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
x* =  [0.65873681]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [-9.34881576+0.j]

***Case 3: Newton method with exact Hessian and trust region***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.5000e+00 	6.0000e+00 	7.5000e-01 	-8.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
1   	 3.4863e+00 	8.4375e-01 	9.2466e-02 	-9.1250e+00 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
2   	 3.5250e+00 	1.1244e-02 	1.2024e-03 	-9.3511e+00 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
3   	 3.5250e+00 	1.3700e-06 	1.4654e-07 	-9.3488e+00 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
x* =  [0.65873679]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [-9.34881579+0.j]

***Case 4: Quasi-Newton method with SR1 Hessian approximation and no globalization strategy***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.5000e+00 	6.0000e+00 	6.0000e+00 	 1.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
1   	 6.8550e+02 	4.8600e+02 	5.9268e+00 	 8.2000e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
2   	 1.0400e+00 	6.5685e+00 	7.9036e-02 	 8.3108e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
3   	 4.9789e-01 	7.1411e+00 	9.8572e-01 	-7.2446e+00 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
4   	 3.3844e+00 	1.5942e+00 	1.7989e-01 	-8.8618e+00 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
5   	 3.5249e+00 	4.7859e-02 	5.2432e-03 	-9.1279e+00 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
6   	 3.5250e+00 	1.1831e-03 	1.2649e-04 	-9.3535e+00 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
7   	 3.5250e+00 	6.0994e-07 	6.5210e-08 	-9.3535e+00 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
x* =  [0.65873679]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [-9.34881579+0.j]

***Case 5: Quasi-Newton method with SR1 Hessian approximation and line search***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.5000e+00 	6.0000e+00 	2.3245e+00 	 1.0000e+00 	 3.87e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
1   	-6.9020e+00 	1.6735e+01 	8.1839e-01 	 9.7804e+00 	 4.78e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
2   	-1.0621e+01 	4.4106e+00 	1.7070e-01 	 2.5838e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
3   	-1.1140e+01 	1.5495e+00 	9.2452e-02 	 1.6760e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
4   	-1.1199e+01 	3.1396e-01 	1.5576e-02 	 2.0156e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
5   	-1.1201e+01 	1.6045e-02 	7.5733e-04 	 2.1186e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
6   	-1.1201e+01 	1.5212e-04 	7.2490e-06 	 2.0986e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
Line search failure. alpha =  0.7290000000000001
7   	-1.1201e+01 	7.4964e-08 	2.6041e-09 	 2.0986e+01 	 7.29e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
x* =  [-1.75447804]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [20.99602745+0.j]

***Case 6: Quasi-Newton method with SR1 Hessian approximation and trust region***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.5000e+00 	6.0000e+00 	2.0000e+00 	 1.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
1   	-1.0500e+01 	6.0000e+00 	1.0000e+00 	 6.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 4.00e+00 	 reject
2   	-1.0500e+01 	6.0000e+00 	2.5000e-01 	 6.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 2.50e-01 	 accept
3   	-1.1201e+01 	9.3750e-02 	3.8462e-03 	 2.4375e+01 	 ------- 	 2.50e-01 	 accept
4   	-1.1201e+01 	1.3262e-02 	6.3371e-04 	 2.0927e+01 	 ------- 	 2.50e-01 	 accept
5   	-1.1201e+01 	3.8373e-05 	1.8284e-06 	 2.0988e+01 	 ------- 	 2.50e-01 	 accept
6   	-1.1201e+01 	1.5627e-08 	7.4456e-10 	 2.0988e+01 	 ------- 	 2.50e-01 	 reject
x* =  [-1.75447804]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [20.99602741+0.j]

***Case 7: Quasi-Newton method with BFGS Hessian approximation and no globalization strategy***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.5000e+00 	6.0000e+00 	6.0000e+00 	 1.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
1   	 6.8550e+02 	4.8600e+02 	5.9268e+00 	 8.2000e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
2   	 1.0400e+00 	6.5685e+00 	7.9036e-02 	 8.3108e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
3   	 4.9789e-01 	7.1411e+00 	8.5925e-02 	 8.3108e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
4   	-1.4051e-01 	7.7079e+00 	9.2746e-02 	 8.3108e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
5   	-8.8097e-01 	8.2461e+00 	9.9222e-02 	 8.3108e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
6   	-1.7239e+00 	8.7267e+00 	1.0500e-01 	 8.3108e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
7   	-2.6617e+00 	9.1154e+00 	1.0968e-01 	 8.3108e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
8   	-3.6772e+00 	9.3749e+00 	1.1280e-01 	 8.3108e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
9   	-4.7418e+00 	9.4693e+00 	1.1394e-01 	 8.3108e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
10   	-5.8169e+00 	9.3696e+00 	1.0710e+01 	 8.7485e-01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
11   	 9.9445e+03 	3.4106e+03 	1.0681e+01 	 3.1933e+02 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
12   	-6.0910e+00 	9.3100e+00 	2.9076e-02 	 3.2020e+02 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
13   	-6.3607e+00 	9.2367e+00 	3.6644e+00 	 2.5207e+00 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
14   	 2.0926e+02 	2.1453e+02 	3.5132e+00 	 6.1064e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
15   	-7.7160e+00 	8.6147e+00 	1.3563e-01 	 6.3516e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
16   	-8.8258e+00 	7.6891e+00 	1.1266e+00 	 6.8249e+00 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
17   	-6.5781e+00 	1.7468e+01 	7.8228e-01 	 2.2329e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
18   	-1.0841e+01 	3.5674e+00 	1.3267e-01 	 2.6889e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
19   	-1.1164e+01 	1.2235e+00 	6.9256e-02 	 1.7667e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
20   	-1.1201e+01 	1.8230e-01 	8.9808e-03 	 2.0299e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
21   	-1.1201e+01 	7.2657e-03 	3.4421e-04 	 2.1108e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
22   	-1.1201e+01 	4.0262e-05 	1.9180e-06 	 2.0991e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
23   	-1.1201e+01 	8.9798e-09 	4.2779e-10 	 2.0991e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
x* =  [-1.75447804]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [20.99602743+0.j]

***Case 8: Quasi-Newton method with BFGS Hessian approximation and line search***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.5000e+00 	6.0000e+00 	2.3245e+00 	 1.0000e+00 	 3.87e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
1   	-6.9020e+00 	1.6735e+01 	8.1839e-01 	 9.7804e+00 	 4.78e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
2   	-1.0621e+01 	4.4106e+00 	1.7070e-01 	 2.5838e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
3   	-1.1140e+01 	1.5495e+00 	9.2452e-02 	 1.6760e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
4   	-1.1199e+01 	3.1396e-01 	1.5576e-02 	 2.0156e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
5   	-1.1201e+01 	1.6045e-02 	7.5733e-04 	 2.1186e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
6   	-1.1201e+01 	1.5212e-04 	7.2490e-06 	 2.0986e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
Line search failure. alpha =  0.7290000000000001
7   	-1.1201e+01 	7.4964e-08 	2.6041e-09 	 2.0986e+01 	 7.29e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
x* =  [-1.75447804]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [20.99602745+0.j]

***Case 9: Quasi-Newton method with BFGS Hessian approximation and trust region***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.5000e+00 	6.0000e+00 	2.0000e+00 	 1.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
1   	-1.0500e+01 	6.0000e+00 	1.0000e+00 	 6.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 4.00e+00 	 reject
2   	-1.0500e+01 	6.0000e+00 	2.5000e-01 	 6.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 2.50e-01 	 accept
3   	-1.1201e+01 	9.3750e-02 	3.8462e-03 	 2.4375e+01 	 ------- 	 2.50e-01 	 accept
4   	-1.1201e+01 	1.3262e-02 	6.3371e-04 	 2.0927e+01 	 ------- 	 2.50e-01 	 accept
5   	-1.1201e+01 	3.8373e-05 	1.8284e-06 	 2.0988e+01 	 ------- 	 2.50e-01 	 accept
6   	-1.1201e+01 	1.5627e-08 	7.4456e-10 	 2.0988e+01 	 ------- 	 2.50e-01 	 reject
x* =  [-1.75447804]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [20.99602741+0.j]

***Case 10: Steepest Descent and line search***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.5000e+00 	6.0000e+00 	2.3245e+00 	 1.0000e+00 	 3.87e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
1   	-6.9020e+00 	1.6735e+01 	7.8823e-01 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.71e-02 	 ------- 	 -----
2   	-1.0747e+01 	3.9578e+00 	3.1570e-01 	 1.0000e+00 	 7.98e-02 	 ------- 	 -----
3   	-1.1097e+01 	2.1780e+00 	1.4072e-01 	 1.0000e+00 	 6.46e-02 	 ------- 	 -----
4   	-1.1182e+01 	8.8201e-01 	6.3319e-02 	 1.0000e+00 	 7.18e-02 	 ------- 	 -----
5   	-1.1197e+01 	4.2785e-01 	2.7644e-02 	 1.0000e+00 	 6.46e-02 	 ------- 	 -----
6   	-1.1201e+01 	1.5728e-01 	1.1291e-02 	 1.0000e+00 	 7.18e-02 	 ------- 	 -----
7   	-1.1201e+01 	7.9215e-02 	5.1182e-03 	 1.0000e+00 	 6.46e-02 	 ------- 	 -----
8   	-1.1201e+01 	2.8413e-02 	1.8358e-03 	 1.0000e+00 	 6.46e-02 	 ------- 	 -----
9   	-1.1201e+01 	1.0109e-02 	6.5318e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 6.46e-02 	 ------- 	 -----
10   	-1.1201e+01 	3.6075e-03 	2.3308e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 6.46e-02 	 ------- 	 -----
11   	-1.1201e+01 	1.2860e-03 	8.3088e-05 	 1.0000e+00 	 6.46e-02 	 ------- 	 -----
12   	-1.1201e+01 	4.5858e-04 	2.9629e-05 	 1.0000e+00 	 6.46e-02 	 ------- 	 -----
13   	-1.1201e+01 	1.6351e-04 	1.0565e-05 	 1.0000e+00 	 6.46e-02 	 ------- 	 -----
14   	-1.1201e+01 	5.8304e-05 	3.7671e-06 	 1.0000e+00 	 6.46e-02 	 ------- 	 -----
15   	-1.1201e+01 	2.0789e-05 	1.3432e-06 	 1.0000e+00 	 6.46e-02 	 ------- 	 -----
16   	-1.1201e+01 	7.4129e-06 	4.7895e-07 	 1.0000e+00 	 6.46e-02 	 ------- 	 -----
x* =  [-1.75447817]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [20.99603083+0.j]


Which cases converged to a local maximizer?


Which cases converged to a local minimizer?


Based on these results, which algorithms do you recommend for non-convex problems?


Return of Example 2.19#

Now we will benchmark the algorithms using Example 2.19.


Consider the function \(g(z) = \sqrt{z}\), which is only defined for \(z \geq 0\). We will shortly learn how handle bounds/inequality constraints in an optimization problem.

But for this assignment, we will focus on algorithms for unconstrained nonlinear optimization. We will use a smoothed approximation to ensure \(g(z)\) is defined and twice-differentiable over \(z \in \mathbb{R}\). Consider:

\[g(z) \approx \sqrt{\max(z,0)}\]

This ensures that \(g(z)\) is defined over \(z \in \mathbb{R}\). But what about twice-differentiable? We will further approximate

\[\max(z,0) \approx \frac{1}{2}\left(\sqrt{z^2 + 10^{-4}} + z \right)\]

Below is an implementation of the Example 2.19 that uses this smoothed approximation.

def asqrt(z):
    Approximate/smoothed square root

    return np.sqrt(0.5*(np.sqrt(z**2 + 1E-4) + z))
def ex2_19_smoothed(x,verbose=False):
    ''' Evaluate function given above at point x

        x - vector with 2 elements
        f - function value (scalar)
    # Constants
    a = np.array([0.3, 0.6, 0.2])
    b = np.array([5, 26, 3])
    c = np.array([40, 1, 10])
    # Intermediates. Recall Python indicies start at 0
    u = x[0] - 0.8
    s = asqrt(1-u)
    s2 = asqrt(1+u)
    v = x[1] -(a[0] + a[1]*u**2*s-a[2]*u)
    alpha = -b[0] + b[1]*u**2*s2+ b[2]*u
    beta = c[0]*v**2*(1-c[1]*v)/(1+c[2]*u**2)
    f = alpha*np.exp(-beta)
    if verbose:
        print("##### my_f at x = ",x, "#####")
        print("u = ",u)
        print("sqrt(1-u) = ",s)
        print("sqrt(1+u) = ",s2)
        print("v = ",v)
        print("alpha = ",alpha)
        print("beta = ",beta)
        print("f(x) = ",f)
        print("##### Done. #####\n")
    return f

my_f2 = lambda x : ex2_19_smoothed(x,verbose=False)

my_grad2 = lambda x : my_grad_approx(x,my_f2,1E-6,verbose=False)

my_hes2 = lambda x : my_hes_approx(x,my_grad2,1E-6)

Benchmark with \(x_0\) Near Solution#

x0 = np.array([0.7, 0.3])
***Case 1: Newton method with exact Hessian and no globalization strategy***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	-4.9246e+00 	1.0874e+01 	4.1947e-02 	 4.9370e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
1   	-5.0888e+00 	6.2734e-01 	1.9755e-03 	 4.2542e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
2   	-5.0893e+00 	2.4208e-03 	3.0022e-05 	 4.3424e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
3   	-5.0893e+00 	2.9175e-07 	3.1334e-09 	 4.3418e+01 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
x* =  [0.73950642 0.31435986]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [ 43.41806155+0.j 426.36193114+0.j]

***Case 2: Newton method with exact Hessian and line search***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	-4.9246e+00 	1.0874e+01 	4.1947e-02 	 4.9370e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
1   	-5.0888e+00 	6.2734e-01 	1.9755e-03 	 4.2542e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
2   	-5.0893e+00 	2.4208e-03 	3.0022e-05 	 4.3424e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
3   	-5.0893e+00 	2.9175e-07 	3.1334e-09 	 4.3418e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
x* =  [0.73950642 0.31435986]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [ 43.41806155+0.j 426.36193114+0.j]

***Case 3: Newton method with exact Hessian and trust region***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	-4.9246e+00 	1.0874e+01 	4.1947e-02 	 4.9370e+01 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
1   	-5.0888e+00 	6.2734e-01 	1.9755e-03 	 4.2542e+01 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
2   	-5.0893e+00 	2.4208e-03 	3.0022e-05 	 4.3424e+01 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
3   	-5.0893e+00 	2.9175e-07 	3.1334e-09 	 4.3418e+01 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 reject
x* =  [0.73950642 0.31435986]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [ 43.41820666+0.j 426.36200807+0.j]

***Case 4: Quasi-Newton method with SR1 Hessian approximation and no globalization strategy***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	-4.9246e+00 	1.0874e+01 	1.0874e+01 	 1.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
Warning: Hessian approximation is near singular.
B[k] = 
 [[ 2.40566051e+93 -1.88095467e+93]
 [-1.88095467e+93  1.47069399e+93]]
x* =  [ 5.43705574 10.08833764]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [ 8.63954930e+95+0.j -6.55410896e+91+0.j]

***Case 5: Quasi-Newton method with SR1 Hessian approximation and line search***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	-4.9246e+00 	1.0874e+01 	3.6770e-02 	 1.0000e+00 	 3.38e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
1   	-5.0500e+00 	4.4205e+00 	4.4992e-02 	 1.0000e+00 	 3.82e-02 	 ------- 	 -----
2   	-5.0674e+00 	3.6723e+00 	1.8961e-02 	 3.7784e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
3   	-5.0892e+00 	9.7210e-02 	2.4549e-04 	 3.7780e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
4   	-5.0893e+00 	5.8514e-03 	4.0135e-05 	 3.9433e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
5   	-5.0893e+00 	1.4377e-04 	3.2683e-06 	 4.3406e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
6   	-5.0893e+00 	2.0937e-07 	1.1207e-09 	 4.3406e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
x* =  [0.73950642 0.31435986]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [ 43.41818718+0.j 426.3618055 +0.j]

***Case 6: Quasi-Newton method with SR1 Hessian approximation and trust region***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	-4.9246e+00 	1.0874e+01 	2.0000e+00 	 1.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 reject
1   	-4.9246e+00 	1.0874e+01 	5.0000e-01 	 1.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 5.00e-01 	 reject
2   	-4.9246e+00 	1.0874e+01 	1.2500e-01 	 1.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 1.25e-01 	 reject
3   	-4.9246e+00 	1.0874e+01 	3.1250e-02 	 1.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 3.12e-02 	 accept
4   	-5.0665e+00 	2.3568e+00 	3.1250e-02 	 1.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 3.12e-02 	 accept
5   	-5.0881e+00 	9.8076e-01 	3.0776e-03 	 4.0771e+01 	 ------- 	 3.12e-02 	 accept
6   	-5.0892e+00 	4.6629e-02 	4.8788e-04 	 4.4036e+01 	 ------- 	 3.12e-02 	 accept
7   	-5.0893e+00 	5.4140e-04 	8.7158e-06 	 4.3387e+01 	 ------- 	 3.12e-02 	 accept
8   	-5.0893e+00 	1.7327e-06 	1.1790e-08 	 4.3387e+01 	 ------- 	 3.12e-02 	 accept
x* =  [0.73950642 0.31435986]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [ 43.41840922+0.j 426.36202755+0.j]

***Case 7: Quasi-Newton method with BFGS Hessian approximation and no globalization strategy***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	-4.9246e+00 	1.0874e+01 	1.0874e+01 	 1.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
Warning: Hessian approximation is near singular.
B[k] = 
 [[ 2.40566051e+93 -1.88095467e+93]
 [-1.88095467e+93  1.47069399e+93]]
x* =  [ 5.43705574 10.08833764]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [ 8.63954930e+95+0.j -6.55410896e+91+0.j]

***Case 8: Quasi-Newton method with BFGS Hessian approximation and line search***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	-4.9246e+00 	1.0874e+01 	3.6770e-02 	 1.0000e+00 	 3.38e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
1   	-5.0500e+00 	4.4205e+00 	4.5530e-02 	 9.8819e-01 	 3.82e-02 	 ------- 	 -----
2   	-5.0671e+00 	3.6634e+00 	1.9685e-02 	 3.7814e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
3   	-5.0893e+00 	8.3284e-03 	2.0822e-04 	 3.8028e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
4   	-5.0893e+00 	1.6840e-03 	2.6639e-05 	 4.3370e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
5   	-5.0893e+00 	3.4725e-05 	8.9062e-08 	 4.3207e+01 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
x* =  [0.73950642 0.31435986]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [ 43.41837027+0.j 426.36162242+0.j]

***Case 9: Quasi-Newton method with BFGS Hessian approximation and trust region***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	-4.9246e+00 	1.0874e+01 	2.0000e+00 	 1.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 reject
1   	-4.9246e+00 	1.0874e+01 	5.0000e-01 	 1.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 5.00e-01 	 reject
2   	-4.9246e+00 	1.0874e+01 	1.2500e-01 	 1.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 1.25e-01 	 reject
3   	-4.9246e+00 	1.0874e+01 	3.1250e-02 	 1.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 3.12e-02 	 accept
4   	-5.0665e+00 	2.3568e+00 	3.1250e-02 	 9.8768e-01 	 ------- 	 3.12e-02 	 accept
5   	-5.0881e+00 	9.8103e-01 	3.1250e-02 	 6.6632e+00 	 ------- 	 3.12e-02 	 reject
6   	-5.0881e+00 	9.8103e-01 	7.8125e-03 	 6.6632e+00 	 ------- 	 7.81e-03 	 reject
7   	-5.0881e+00 	9.8103e-01 	1.9531e-03 	 6.6632e+00 	 ------- 	 1.95e-03 	 accept
8   	-5.0892e+00 	1.5608e-01 	1.9531e-03 	 7.0647e+00 	 ------- 	 1.95e-03 	 accept
9   	-5.0892e+00 	2.7758e-02 	7.6768e-04 	 3.0614e+01 	 ------- 	 1.95e-03 	 accept
10   	-5.0893e+00 	4.1299e-02 	1.9410e-04 	 4.1031e+01 	 ------- 	 1.95e-03 	 accept
11   	-5.0893e+00 	2.1703e-02 	8.1046e-05 	 3.6818e+01 	 ------- 	 1.95e-03 	 accept
12   	-5.0893e+00 	9.3297e-04 	1.7774e-05 	 3.9135e+01 	 ------- 	 1.95e-03 	 accept
13   	-5.0893e+00 	1.0689e-04 	1.5964e-06 	 4.3341e+01 	 ------- 	 1.95e-03 	 accept
14   	-5.0893e+00 	4.6643e-06 	1.3806e-08 	 4.3341e+01 	 ------- 	 1.95e-03 	 accept
x* =  [0.73950642 0.31435986]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [ 43.41838974+0.j 426.36182498+0.j]

***Case 10: Steepest Descent and line search***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	-4.9246e+00 	1.0874e+01 	3.6770e-02 	 1.0000e+00 	 3.38e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
1   	-5.0500e+00 	4.4205e+00 	1.6608e-02 	 1.0000e+00 	 3.76e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
2   	-5.0703e+00 	2.5775e+00 	9.6841e-03 	 1.0000e+00 	 3.76e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
3   	-5.0783e+00 	1.6164e+00 	7.4976e-03 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.64e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
4   	-5.0815e+00 	1.4787e+00 	6.1731e-03 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.17e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
5   	-5.0842e+00 	1.1500e+00 	4.8006e-03 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.17e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
6   	-5.0859e+00 	8.9734e-01 	4.1622e-03 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.64e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
7   	-5.0869e+00 	8.2888e-01 	3.4602e-03 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.17e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
8   	-5.0877e+00 	6.4810e-01 	2.7055e-03 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.17e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
9   	-5.0883e+00 	5.0889e-01 	2.1244e-03 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.17e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
10   	-5.0886e+00 	4.0020e-01 	1.8563e-03 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.64e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
11   	-5.0888e+00 	3.7147e-01 	1.5507e-03 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.17e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
12   	-5.0890e+00 	2.9181e-01 	1.2182e-03 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.17e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
13   	-5.0891e+00 	2.2973e-01 	9.5903e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.17e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
14   	-5.0891e+00 	1.8105e-01 	7.5581e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.17e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
15   	-5.0892e+00 	1.4294e-01 	6.6299e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.64e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
16   	-5.0892e+00 	1.3277e-01 	5.5425e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.17e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
17   	-5.0892e+00 	1.0457e-01 	4.3654e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.17e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
18   	-5.0892e+00 	8.2435e-02 	3.4413e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.17e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
19   	-5.0892e+00 	6.5066e-02 	2.7162e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.17e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
20   	-5.0892e+00 	5.1406e-02 	2.3844e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.64e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
21   	-5.0892e+00 	4.7773e-02 	1.9943e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.17e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
22   	-5.0893e+00 	3.7645e-02 	1.5715e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.17e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
23   	-5.0893e+00 	2.9694e-02 	1.2396e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.17e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
24   	-5.0893e+00 	2.3443e-02 	9.7864e-05 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.17e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
25   	-5.0893e+00 	1.8527e-02 	8.5936e-05 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.64e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
26   	-5.0893e+00 	1.7227e-02 	7.1917e-05 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.17e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
27   	-5.0893e+00 	1.3578e-02 	5.6681e-05 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.17e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
28   	-5.0893e+00 	1.0710e-02 	4.4711e-05 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.17e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
29   	-5.0893e+00 	8.4562e-03 	3.5301e-05 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.17e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
30   	-5.0893e+00 	6.6826e-03 	3.0997e-05 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.64e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
31   	-5.0893e+00 	6.2174e-03 	2.5955e-05 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.17e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
32   	-5.0893e+00 	4.8999e-03 	2.0455e-05 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.17e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
33   	-5.0893e+00 	3.8650e-03 	1.6134e-05 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.17e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
34   	-5.0893e+00 	3.0512e-03 	1.2738e-05 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.17e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
35   	-5.0893e+00 	2.4111e-03 	1.1184e-05 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.64e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
36   	-5.0893e+00 	2.2445e-03 	9.3697e-06 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.17e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
37   	-5.0893e+00 	1.7687e-03 	7.3837e-06 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.17e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
38   	-5.0893e+00 	1.3950e-03 	5.8235e-06 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.17e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
39   	-5.0893e+00 	1.1012e-03 	4.5969e-06 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.17e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
40   	-5.0893e+00 	8.7002e-04 	4.0355e-06 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.64e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
41   	-5.0893e+00 	8.1036e-04 	3.3829e-06 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.17e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
42   	-5.0893e+00 	6.3853e-04 	2.6656e-06 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.17e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
43   	-5.0893e+00 	5.0354e-04 	2.1020e-06 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.17e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
44   	-5.0893e+00 	3.9742e-04 	1.6591e-06 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.17e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
45   	-5.0893e+00 	3.1396e-04 	1.4563e-06 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.64e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
46   	-5.0893e+00 	2.9259e-04 	1.2215e-06 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.17e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
47   	-5.0893e+00 	2.3052e-04 	9.6233e-07 	 1.0000e+00 	 4.17e-03 	 ------- 	 -----
x* =  [0.73950438 0.31436011]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [ 43.41886108+0.j 426.36201978+0.j]


Which cases do not converge to the known solution?


What is happening with the SR1 and BFGS update when no globalization strategy is used? Hint: This is related to the square root approximation.


Benchmark with \(x_0\) Far From the Solution#

x0 = np.array([0.0, 0.0])
***Case 1: Newton method with exact Hessian and no globalization strategy***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.7116e-06 	1.5723e-04 	3.8594e-02 	-2.9410e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
1   	 5.7117e-07 	5.5951e-05 	3.6202e-02 	-1.0859e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
2   	 1.9240e-07 	1.9977e-05 	3.4172e-02 	-4.0313e-04 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
3   	 6.5310e-08 	7.1521e-06 	3.2420e-02 	-1.5022e-04 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
4   	 2.2312e-08 	2.5663e-06 	3.0889e-02 	-5.6122e-05 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
5   	 7.6637e-09 	9.2257e-07 	2.9536e-02 	-2.1007e-05 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
x* =  [-0.00313333 -0.20178778]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [ 1.45576374e-05+0.j -7.87341863e-06+0.j]

***Case 2: Newton method with exact Hessian and line search***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.7116e-06 	1.5723e-04 	3.8594e-02 	-2.9410e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
1   	 5.7117e-07 	5.5951e-05 	3.6202e-02 	-1.0859e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
2   	 1.9240e-07 	1.9977e-05 	3.4172e-02 	-4.0313e-04 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
3   	 6.5310e-08 	7.1521e-06 	3.2420e-02 	-1.5022e-04 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
4   	 2.2312e-08 	2.5663e-06 	3.0889e-02 	-5.6122e-05 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
5   	 7.6637e-09 	9.2257e-07 	2.9536e-02 	-2.1007e-05 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
x* =  [-0.00313333 -0.20178778]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [ 1.45576374e-05+0.j -7.87341863e-06+0.j]

***Case 3: Newton method with exact Hessian and trust region***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.7116e-06 	1.5723e-04 	3.8594e-02 	-2.9410e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
1   	 5.7117e-07 	5.5951e-05 	3.6202e-02 	-1.0859e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
2   	 1.9240e-07 	1.9977e-05 	3.4172e-02 	-4.0313e-04 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
3   	 6.5310e-08 	7.1521e-06 	3.2420e-02 	-1.5022e-04 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
4   	 2.2312e-08 	2.5663e-06 	3.0889e-02 	-5.6122e-05 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
5   	 7.6637e-09 	9.2257e-07 	2.9536e-02 	-2.1007e-05 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
x* =  [-0.00313333 -0.20178778]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [ 1.45576374e-05+0.j -7.87341863e-06+0.j]

***Case 4: Quasi-Newton method with SR1 Hessian approximation and no globalization strategy***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.7116e-06 	1.5723e-04 	1.5723e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
1   	 1.6869e-06 	1.5677e-04 	5.3086e-02 	 2.9530e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
2   	-2.3989e-06 	7.2336e-05 	4.0934e-03 	 2.7417e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
3   	-2.4364e-06 	7.1078e-05 	3.7770e-03 	 1.5844e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
4   	-2.4551e-06 	7.0156e-05 	1.6393e-03 	 1.4153e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
5   	-2.4788e-06 	7.0331e-05 	7.1786e-02 	 8.7441e-04 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
6   	-1.3803e-05 	3.5715e-04 	7.7165e-02 	-4.7635e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
7   	-1.8335e-06 	5.2108e-05 	1.2853e-02 	-4.0717e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
8   	-1.2703e-06 	3.6881e-05 	3.1009e-02 	-1.1894e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
9   	-5.0534e-07 	1.5390e-05 	2.2172e-02 	-6.9356e-04 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
10   	-2.5506e-07 	8.0241e-06 	2.4104e-02 	-3.3191e-04 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
11   	-1.1847e-07 	3.8571e-06 	2.2260e-02 	-1.7236e-04 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
12   	-5.7063e-08 	1.9164e-06 	2.1932e-02 	-8.6740e-05 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
13   	-2.7199e-08 	9.4119e-07 	2.1123e-02 	-4.4158e-05 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
x* =  [-0.08873597 -0.1844557 ]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [ 3.41429300e-06+0.j -1.58482887e-05+0.j]

***Case 5: Quasi-Newton method with SR1 Hessian approximation and line search***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.7116e-06 	1.5723e-04 	1.5723e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
1   	 1.6869e-06 	1.5677e-04 	5.3086e-02 	 2.9530e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
2   	-2.3989e-06 	7.2336e-05 	4.0934e-03 	 2.7417e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
3   	-2.4364e-06 	7.1078e-05 	3.7770e-03 	 1.5844e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
4   	-2.4551e-06 	7.0156e-05 	1.6393e-03 	 1.4153e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
5   	-2.4788e-06 	7.0331e-05 	7.1786e-02 	 8.7441e-04 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
Line search failure. alpha =  0.9
6   	-1.3803e-05 	3.5715e-04 	6.9449e-02 	-4.7635e-03 	 9.00e-01 	 ------- 	 -----
Line search failure. alpha =  4.353241455684411e-14
7   	-2.2680e-06 	6.3846e-05 	6.4013e-16 	-4.3566e-03 	 4.35e-14 	 ------- 	 -----
x* =  [-0.08201558 -0.02174002]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [ 0.00067133+0.j -0.00170098+0.j]

***Case 6: Quasi-Newton method with SR1 Hessian approximation and trust region***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.7116e-06 	1.5723e-04 	1.5723e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
1   	 1.6869e-06 	1.5677e-04 	5.3086e-02 	 2.9530e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
2   	-2.3989e-06 	7.2336e-05 	4.0934e-03 	 2.7417e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
3   	-2.4364e-06 	7.1078e-05 	3.7770e-03 	 1.5844e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
4   	-2.4551e-06 	7.0156e-05 	1.6393e-03 	 1.4153e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
5   	-2.4788e-06 	7.0331e-05 	7.1786e-02 	 8.7441e-04 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
6   	-1.3803e-05 	3.5715e-04 	7.7165e-02 	-4.7635e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
7   	-1.8335e-06 	5.2108e-05 	1.2853e-02 	-4.0717e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
8   	-1.2703e-06 	3.6881e-05 	3.1009e-02 	-1.1894e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
9   	-5.0534e-07 	1.5390e-05 	2.2172e-02 	-6.9356e-04 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
10   	-2.5506e-07 	8.0241e-06 	2.4104e-02 	-3.3191e-04 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
11   	-1.1847e-07 	3.8571e-06 	2.2260e-02 	-1.7236e-04 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
12   	-5.7063e-08 	1.9164e-06 	2.1932e-02 	-8.6740e-05 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
13   	-2.7199e-08 	9.4119e-07 	2.1123e-02 	-4.4158e-05 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
x* =  [-0.08873597 -0.1844557 ]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [ 3.41429300e-06+0.j -1.58482887e-05+0.j]

***Case 7: Quasi-Newton method with BFGS Hessian approximation and no globalization strategy***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.7116e-06 	1.5723e-04 	1.5723e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
1   	 1.6869e-06 	1.5677e-04 	5.3086e-02 	 2.9531e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
2   	-2.3988e-06 	7.2335e-05 	4.0930e-03 	 2.7417e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
3   	-2.4363e-06 	7.1075e-05 	3.7674e-03 	 1.5843e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
4   	-2.4541e-06 	7.0132e-05 	1.4838e-03 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
5   	-2.4625e-06 	6.9939e-05 	1.3871e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
6   	-2.4692e-06 	7.0090e-05 	9.6823e-05 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
7   	-2.4760e-06 	7.0270e-05 	9.8466e-05 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
8   	-2.4828e-06 	7.0453e-05 	9.8927e-05 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
9   	-2.4897e-06 	7.0637e-05 	9.9206e-05 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
10   	-2.4965e-06 	7.0822e-05 	9.9468e-05 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
11   	-2.5035e-06 	7.1008e-05 	9.9729e-05 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
12   	-2.5104e-06 	7.1195e-05 	9.9992e-05 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
13   	-2.5174e-06 	7.1383e-05 	1.0026e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
14   	-2.5244e-06 	7.1572e-05 	1.0052e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
15   	-2.5315e-06 	7.1762e-05 	1.0079e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
16   	-2.5386e-06 	7.1952e-05 	1.0105e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
17   	-2.5458e-06 	7.2144e-05 	1.0132e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
18   	-2.5529e-06 	7.2337e-05 	1.0159e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
19   	-2.5602e-06 	7.2531e-05 	1.0187e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
20   	-2.5674e-06 	7.2726e-05 	1.0214e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
21   	-2.5747e-06 	7.2922e-05 	1.0241e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
22   	-2.5820e-06 	7.3119e-05 	1.0269e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
23   	-2.5894e-06 	7.3316e-05 	1.0297e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
24   	-2.5968e-06 	7.3515e-05 	1.0325e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
25   	-2.6043e-06 	7.3715e-05 	1.0353e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
26   	-2.6118e-06 	7.3916e-05 	1.0381e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
27   	-2.6193e-06 	7.4119e-05 	1.0409e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
28   	-2.6269e-06 	7.4322e-05 	1.0438e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
29   	-2.6345e-06 	7.4526e-05 	1.0467e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
30   	-2.6422e-06 	7.4731e-05 	1.0495e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
31   	-2.6499e-06 	7.4938e-05 	1.0524e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
32   	-2.6576e-06 	7.5146e-05 	1.0553e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
33   	-2.6654e-06 	7.5354e-05 	1.0583e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
34   	-2.6733e-06 	7.5564e-05 	1.0612e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
35   	-2.6811e-06 	7.5775e-05 	1.0642e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
36   	-2.6891e-06 	7.5987e-05 	1.0672e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
37   	-2.6970e-06 	7.6201e-05 	1.0701e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
38   	-2.7050e-06 	7.6415e-05 	1.0732e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
39   	-2.7131e-06 	7.6631e-05 	1.0762e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
40   	-2.7212e-06 	7.6847e-05 	1.0792e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
41   	-2.7293e-06 	7.7065e-05 	1.0823e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
42   	-2.7375e-06 	7.7285e-05 	1.0854e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
43   	-2.7458e-06 	7.7505e-05 	1.0884e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
44   	-2.7541e-06 	7.7727e-05 	1.0916e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
45   	-2.7624e-06 	7.7949e-05 	1.0947e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
46   	-2.7708e-06 	7.8174e-05 	1.0978e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
47   	-2.7792e-06 	7.8399e-05 	1.1010e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
48   	-2.7877e-06 	7.8625e-05 	1.1042e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
49   	-2.7962e-06 	7.8853e-05 	1.1074e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 ------- 	 -----
Reached maximum number of iterations.
x* =  [-0.06054287 -0.01247025]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [ 0.00145694+0.j -0.00207929+0.j]

***Case 8: Quasi-Newton method with BFGS Hessian approximation and line search***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.7116e-06 	1.5723e-04 	1.5723e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
1   	 1.6869e-06 	1.5677e-04 	5.3086e-02 	 2.9531e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
2   	-2.3988e-06 	7.2335e-05 	4.0930e-03 	 2.7417e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
3   	-2.4363e-06 	7.1075e-05 	3.7674e-03 	 1.5843e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
4   	-2.4541e-06 	7.0132e-05 	1.4838e-03 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
5   	-2.4625e-06 	6.9939e-05 	1.3871e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
6   	-2.4692e-06 	7.0090e-05 	9.6823e-05 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
7   	-2.4760e-06 	7.0270e-05 	9.8466e-05 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
8   	-2.4828e-06 	7.0453e-05 	9.8927e-05 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
9   	-2.4897e-06 	7.0637e-05 	9.9206e-05 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
10   	-2.4965e-06 	7.0822e-05 	9.9468e-05 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
11   	-2.5035e-06 	7.1008e-05 	9.9729e-05 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
12   	-2.5104e-06 	7.1195e-05 	9.9992e-05 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
13   	-2.5174e-06 	7.1383e-05 	1.0026e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
14   	-2.5244e-06 	7.1572e-05 	1.0052e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
15   	-2.5315e-06 	7.1762e-05 	1.0079e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
16   	-2.5386e-06 	7.1952e-05 	1.0105e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
17   	-2.5458e-06 	7.2144e-05 	1.0132e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
18   	-2.5529e-06 	7.2337e-05 	1.0159e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
19   	-2.5602e-06 	7.2531e-05 	1.0187e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
20   	-2.5674e-06 	7.2726e-05 	1.0214e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
21   	-2.5747e-06 	7.2922e-05 	1.0241e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
22   	-2.5820e-06 	7.3119e-05 	1.0269e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
23   	-2.5894e-06 	7.3316e-05 	1.0297e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
24   	-2.5968e-06 	7.3515e-05 	1.0325e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
25   	-2.6043e-06 	7.3715e-05 	1.0353e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
26   	-2.6118e-06 	7.3916e-05 	1.0381e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
27   	-2.6193e-06 	7.4119e-05 	1.0409e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
28   	-2.6269e-06 	7.4322e-05 	1.0438e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
29   	-2.6345e-06 	7.4526e-05 	1.0467e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
30   	-2.6422e-06 	7.4731e-05 	1.0495e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
31   	-2.6499e-06 	7.4938e-05 	1.0524e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
32   	-2.6576e-06 	7.5146e-05 	1.0553e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
33   	-2.6654e-06 	7.5354e-05 	1.0583e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
34   	-2.6733e-06 	7.5564e-05 	1.0612e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
35   	-2.6811e-06 	7.5775e-05 	1.0642e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
36   	-2.6891e-06 	7.5987e-05 	1.0672e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
37   	-2.6970e-06 	7.6201e-05 	1.0701e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
38   	-2.7050e-06 	7.6415e-05 	1.0732e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
39   	-2.7131e-06 	7.6631e-05 	1.0762e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
40   	-2.7212e-06 	7.6847e-05 	1.0792e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
41   	-2.7293e-06 	7.7065e-05 	1.0823e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
42   	-2.7375e-06 	7.7285e-05 	1.0854e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
43   	-2.7458e-06 	7.7505e-05 	1.0884e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
44   	-2.7541e-06 	7.7727e-05 	1.0916e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
45   	-2.7624e-06 	7.7949e-05 	1.0947e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
46   	-2.7708e-06 	7.8174e-05 	1.0978e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
47   	-2.7792e-06 	7.8399e-05 	1.1010e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
48   	-2.7877e-06 	7.8625e-05 	1.1042e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
49   	-2.7962e-06 	7.8853e-05 	1.1074e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
Reached maximum number of iterations.
x* =  [-0.06054287 -0.01247025]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [ 0.00145694+0.j -0.00207929+0.j]

***Case 9: Quasi-Newton method with BFGS Hessian approximation and trust region***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.7116e-06 	1.5723e-04 	1.5723e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
1   	 1.6869e-06 	1.5677e-04 	5.3086e-02 	 2.9531e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
2   	-2.3988e-06 	7.2335e-05 	4.0930e-03 	 2.7417e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
3   	-2.4363e-06 	7.1075e-05 	3.7674e-03 	 1.5843e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
4   	-2.4541e-06 	7.0132e-05 	1.4838e-03 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
5   	-2.4625e-06 	6.9939e-05 	1.3871e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
6   	-2.4692e-06 	7.0090e-05 	9.6823e-05 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
7   	-2.4760e-06 	7.0270e-05 	9.8466e-05 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
8   	-2.4828e-06 	7.0453e-05 	9.8927e-05 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
9   	-2.4897e-06 	7.0637e-05 	9.9206e-05 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
10   	-2.4965e-06 	7.0822e-05 	9.9468e-05 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
11   	-2.5035e-06 	7.1008e-05 	9.9729e-05 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
12   	-2.5104e-06 	7.1195e-05 	9.9992e-05 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
13   	-2.5174e-06 	7.1383e-05 	1.0026e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
14   	-2.5244e-06 	7.1572e-05 	1.0052e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
15   	-2.5315e-06 	7.1762e-05 	1.0079e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
16   	-2.5386e-06 	7.1952e-05 	1.0105e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
17   	-2.5458e-06 	7.2144e-05 	1.0132e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
18   	-2.5529e-06 	7.2337e-05 	1.0159e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
19   	-2.5602e-06 	7.2531e-05 	1.0187e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
20   	-2.5674e-06 	7.2726e-05 	1.0214e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
21   	-2.5747e-06 	7.2922e-05 	1.0241e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
22   	-2.5820e-06 	7.3119e-05 	1.0269e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
23   	-2.5894e-06 	7.3316e-05 	1.0297e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
24   	-2.5968e-06 	7.3515e-05 	1.0325e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
25   	-2.6043e-06 	7.3715e-05 	1.0353e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
26   	-2.6118e-06 	7.3916e-05 	1.0381e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
27   	-2.6193e-06 	7.4119e-05 	1.0409e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
28   	-2.6269e-06 	7.4322e-05 	1.0438e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
29   	-2.6345e-06 	7.4526e-05 	1.0467e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
30   	-2.6422e-06 	7.4731e-05 	1.0495e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
31   	-2.6499e-06 	7.4938e-05 	1.0524e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
32   	-2.6576e-06 	7.5146e-05 	1.0553e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
33   	-2.6654e-06 	7.5354e-05 	1.0583e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
34   	-2.6733e-06 	7.5564e-05 	1.0612e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
35   	-2.6811e-06 	7.5775e-05 	1.0642e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
36   	-2.6891e-06 	7.5987e-05 	1.0672e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
37   	-2.6970e-06 	7.6201e-05 	1.0701e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
38   	-2.7050e-06 	7.6415e-05 	1.0732e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
39   	-2.7131e-06 	7.6631e-05 	1.0762e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
40   	-2.7212e-06 	7.6847e-05 	1.0792e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
41   	-2.7293e-06 	7.7065e-05 	1.0823e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
42   	-2.7375e-06 	7.7285e-05 	1.0854e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
43   	-2.7458e-06 	7.7505e-05 	1.0884e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
44   	-2.7541e-06 	7.7727e-05 	1.0916e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
45   	-2.7624e-06 	7.7949e-05 	1.0947e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
46   	-2.7708e-06 	7.8174e-05 	1.0978e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
47   	-2.7792e-06 	7.8399e-05 	1.1010e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
48   	-2.7877e-06 	7.8625e-05 	1.1042e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
49   	-2.7962e-06 	7.8853e-05 	1.1074e-04 	 1.4144e-03 	 ------- 	 2.00e+00 	 accept
Reached maximum number of iterations.
x* =  [-0.06054287 -0.01247025]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [ 0.00145694+0.j -0.00207929+0.j]

***Case 10: Steepest Descent and line search***
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(eig(B)) 	alpha 		delta 		step
0   	 1.7116e-06 	1.5723e-04 	1.5723e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
1   	 1.6869e-06 	1.5677e-04 	1.5677e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
2   	 1.6624e-06 	1.5630e-04 	1.5630e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
3   	 1.6380e-06 	1.5585e-04 	1.5585e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
4   	 1.6137e-06 	1.5539e-04 	1.5539e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
5   	 1.5896e-06 	1.5494e-04 	1.5494e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
6   	 1.5657e-06 	1.5449e-04 	1.5449e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
7   	 1.5418e-06 	1.5405e-04 	1.5405e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
8   	 1.5181e-06 	1.5360e-04 	1.5360e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
9   	 1.4946e-06 	1.5317e-04 	1.5317e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
10   	 1.4711e-06 	1.5273e-04 	1.5273e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
11   	 1.4479e-06 	1.5230e-04 	1.5230e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
12   	 1.4247e-06 	1.5187e-04 	1.5187e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
13   	 1.4017e-06 	1.5144e-04 	1.5144e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
14   	 1.3788e-06 	1.5102e-04 	1.5102e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
15   	 1.3560e-06 	1.5060e-04 	1.5060e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
16   	 1.3333e-06 	1.5019e-04 	1.5019e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
17   	 1.3108e-06 	1.4977e-04 	1.4977e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
18   	 1.2884e-06 	1.4937e-04 	1.4937e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
19   	 1.2661e-06 	1.4896e-04 	1.4896e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
20   	 1.2440e-06 	1.4856e-04 	1.4856e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
21   	 1.2219e-06 	1.4816e-04 	1.4816e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
22   	 1.2000e-06 	1.4776e-04 	1.4776e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
23   	 1.1782e-06 	1.4737e-04 	1.4737e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
24   	 1.1565e-06 	1.4697e-04 	1.4697e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
25   	 1.1349e-06 	1.4659e-04 	1.4659e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
26   	 1.1135e-06 	1.4620e-04 	1.4620e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
27   	 1.0921e-06 	1.4582e-04 	1.4582e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
28   	 1.0709e-06 	1.4544e-04 	1.4544e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
29   	 1.0498e-06 	1.4507e-04 	1.4507e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
30   	 1.0288e-06 	1.4469e-04 	1.4469e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
31   	 1.0078e-06 	1.4432e-04 	1.4432e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
32   	 9.8704e-07 	1.4396e-04 	1.4396e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
33   	 9.6634e-07 	1.4359e-04 	1.4359e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
34   	 9.4575e-07 	1.4323e-04 	1.4323e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
35   	 9.2526e-07 	1.4288e-04 	1.4288e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
36   	 9.0487e-07 	1.4252e-04 	1.4252e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
37   	 8.8459e-07 	1.4217e-04 	1.4217e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
38   	 8.6440e-07 	1.4182e-04 	1.4182e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
39   	 8.4431e-07 	1.4147e-04 	1.4147e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
40   	 8.2432e-07 	1.4113e-04 	1.4113e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
41   	 8.0443e-07 	1.4079e-04 	1.4079e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
42   	 7.8463e-07 	1.4045e-04 	1.4045e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
43   	 7.6493e-07 	1.4012e-04 	1.4012e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
44   	 7.4532e-07 	1.3979e-04 	1.3979e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
45   	 7.2580e-07 	1.3946e-04 	1.3946e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
46   	 7.0637e-07 	1.3913e-04 	1.3913e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
47   	 6.8704e-07 	1.3881e-04 	1.3881e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
48   	 6.6779e-07 	1.3848e-04 	1.3848e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
49   	 6.4864e-07 	1.3817e-04 	1.3817e-04 	 1.0000e+00 	 1.00e+00 	 ------- 	 -----
Reached maximum number of iterations.
x* =  [-0.00719019 -0.00150696]
Eigenvalues of Hessian at x* =  [ 0.00452569+0.j -0.00268313+0.j]


Did any of the 10 cases converge to the known solution?

What do you recommend trying next to more reliably solve this particular problem?