6.4. Newton-type Methods for Unconstrained Optimization#

Reference: Section 2.4.2 in Biegler (2010)

6.4.1. Test Problem: Example 2.19#


# Load required Python libraries.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg

## Define Python function to calculate objective
def my_f(x,verbose=False):
    ''' Evaluate function given above at point x

        x - vector with 2 elements
        f - function value (scalar)
    # Constants
    a = np.array([0.3, 0.6, 0.2])
    b = np.array([5, 26, 3])
    c = np.array([40, 1, 10])
    # Intermediates. Recall Python indicies start at 0
    u = x[0] - 0.8
    s = np.sqrt(1-u)
    s2 = np.sqrt(1+u)
    v = x[1] -(a[0] + a[1]*u**2*s-a[2]*u)
    alpha = -b[0] + b[1]*u**2*s2+ b[2]*u # September 5, 2018: changed 's' to 's2'
    beta = c[0]*v**2*(1-c[1]*v)/(1+c[2]*u**2)
    if verbose:
        print("##### my_f at x = ",x, "#####")
        print("u = ",u)
        print("sqrt(1-u) = ",s)
        print("sqrt(1+u) = ",s2)
        print("v = ",v)
        print("alpha = ",alpha)
        print("beta = ",beta)
        print("f(x) = ",)
        print("##### Done. #####\n")
    return alpha*np.exp(-beta)

6.4.2. Helper Functions#

## Calculate gradient with central finite difference
def my_grad_approx(x,f,eps1,verbose=False):
    Calculate gradient of function my_f using central difference formula
        x - point for which to evaluate gradient
        f - function to consider
        eps1 - perturbation size
        grad - gradient (vector)
    n = len(x)
    grad = np.zeros(n)
        print("***** my_grad_approx at x = ",x,"*****")
    for i in range(0,n):
        # Create vector of zeros except eps in position i
        e = np.zeros(n)
        e[i] = eps1
        # Finite difference formula
        my_f_plus = f(x + e)
        my_f_minus = f(x - e)
        # Diagnostics
            print("e[",i,"] = ",e)
            print("f(x + e[",i,"]) = ",my_f_plus)
            print("f(x - e[",i,"]) = ",my_f_minus)
        grad[i] = (my_f_plus - my_f_minus)/(2*eps1)
        print("***** Done. ***** \n")
    return grad

## Calculate gradient using central finite difference and my_hes_approx
def my_hes_approx(x,grad,eps2):
    Calculate gradient of function my_f using central difference formula and my_grad
        x - point for which to evaluate gradient
        grad - function to calculate the gradient
        eps2 - perturbation size (for Hessian NOT gradient approximation)
        H - Hessian (matrix)
    n = len(x)
    H = np.zeros([n,n])
    for i in range(0,n):
        # Create vector of zeros except eps in position i
        e = np.zeros(n)
        e[i] = eps2
        # Evaluate gradient twice
        grad_plus = grad(x + e)
        grad_minus = grad(x - e)
        # Notice we are building the Hessian by column (or row)
        H[:,i] = (grad_plus - grad_minus)/(2*eps2)

    return H

def check_nan(A):
    return np.sum(np.isnan(A))

## Analyze Hessian.
def analyze_hes(B):
    if not check_nan(B):
        # Calculate eigenvalues
        l = linalg.eigvals(B)
        print("Eigenvalues: ",l,"\n")

6.4.3. Algorithm 2.1: Basic Newton Method#


## Implement Alg 1 in a function
def alg1(x0,calc_f,calc_grad,calc_hes,eps1,eps2,verbose=False,max_iter=250):
        x0 - starting point
        calc_f - funcation that calculates f(x)
        calc_grad - function that calculates gradient(x)
        calc_hes - function that calculates hessian(x)
        x - iteration history of x (decision variables)
        f - iteration history of f(x) (objective value)
        p - iteration history of p (steps)
    # Allocate outputs as empty lists
    x = []
    f = []
    p = []
    # Store starting point
    k = 0
    flag = True
    print("Iter. \tf(x) \t\t||grad(x)|| \t||p|| \t\tmin(lambda)")
    while flag:
        # Evaluate f(x) at current iteration
        # Evaluate gradient
        grad = calc_grad(x[k])
            print("WARNING: gradiant calculation returned NaN")
        # Evaluate Hessian
        hes = calc_hes(x[k])
            print("WARNING: Hessian calculation returned NaN")
        if verbose:
            print("k = ",k)
            print("x = ",x[k])
            print("grad = ",grad)
            print("hes = \n",hes)
        # Check if singular via condition number
        c = np.linalg.cond(hes)
        if c > 1E12:
            flag = False
            print("Warning: Hessian is near singular.")
            # Calculate step
            if verbose:
                print("p = ",p[k])
            # Take step. x[k+1] = x[k] + p[k]
            x.append(x[k] + p[k])
            # Calculate norms
            norm_p = linalg.norm(p[k])
            norm_g = linalg.norm(grad)
            # Calculate eigenvalues (for display only)
            ev = np.real(linalg.eigvals(hes))
            # print("k = ",k,"\t"f[k],"\t",norm_g,"\t",norm_p)
            print(k,'  \t{0: 1.4e} \t{1:1.4e} \t{2:1.4e} \t{3: 1.4e}'.format(f[k],norm_g,norm_p,np.min(ev)))
            # Check convergence criteria
            flag = (norm_p > eps1) and (norm_g > eps2)
            # Update iteration counter
            k = k + 1

        if k > max_iter:
            flag = False
            print("Maximum number of iterations.")
    print("x* = ",x[-1])
    return x,f,p

6.4.4. Starting Point Near Optimal Solution#

## Test on example

# Specify convergence criteria
eps1 = 1E-8
eps2 = 1E-4

# Create a Lambda (anonymous) function for gradient calculation
calc_grad = lambda x : my_grad_approx(x,my_f,1E-6)

# Create a Lambda (anonymous) function for Hessian calculation
calc_hes = lambda x : my_hes_approx(x,calc_grad,1E-6)

# Specify starting point
x0 = np.array([0.7, 0.3])

# Call optimization routine
x,f,p = alg1(x0,my_f,calc_grad,calc_hes,eps1,eps2);

# Actual Hessian
print("Hessian at x*= ")
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(lambda)
0   	-4.9246e+00 	1.0874e+01 	4.1946e-02 	 4.9368e+01
1   	-5.0888e+00 	6.2736e-01 	1.9752e-03 	 4.2541e+01
2   	-5.0893e+00 	2.4210e-03 	3.0032e-05 	 4.3424e+01
3   	-5.0893e+00 	2.9199e-07 	3.1620e-09 	 4.3418e+01
x* =  [0.73950546 0.3143601 ]
Hessian at x*= 
[[ 77.01173033 108.33423048]
 [108.33423048 392.76693009]] 

Eigenvalues:  [ 43.41702924+0.j 426.36163117+0.j] 

6.4.5. Activity: A Different Starting Point#

Try with \(x_0 = [0,0]^T\)

# Specify starting point
x0 = np.array([0, 0])

# Call optimization routine
x,f,p = alg1(x0,my_f,calc_grad,calc_hes,eps1,eps2);

# Actual Hessian
print("Hessian at x* = ")
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(lambda)
0   	 1.6212e-06 	1.5568e-04 	3.8590e-02 	-2.9496e-03
1   	 5.4102e-07 	5.5405e-05 	3.6202e-02 	-1.0900e-03
x* =  [-0.00124597 -0.07478209]
Hessian at x* = 
[[0.0001531  0.00055527]
 [0.00055527 0.00014766]] 

Eigenvalues:  [ 0.00070565+0.j -0.00040489+0.j] 

6.4.6. Activity: Let’s break it#

Activity: Try \(x_0 = [-0.2, -0.2]^T\). Why does the gradient or Hessian return NaN? Hint: redefine calc_grad and create my_f_verbose using verbose=True.

# Specify starting point
x0 = np.array([-0.2, -0.2])

# Create a Lambda (anonymous) function for f(x) calculation with verbose output
my_f_verbose = lambda x : my_f(x,verbose=True);

# Create a Lambda (anonymous) function for gradient calculation
calc_grad = lambda x : my_grad_approx(x,my_f_verbose,1E-6,verbose=True);

# Call optimization routine
x,f,p = alg1(x0,my_f,calc_grad,calc_hes,eps1,eps2,verbose=True);

# Actual Hessian
print("Hessian at x* = ")
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(lambda)
***** my_grad_approx at x =  [-0.2 -0.2] *****
##### my_f at x =  [-0.199999 -0.2     ] #####
u =  -0.9999990000000001
sqrt(1-u) =  1.4142132088196604
sqrt(1+u) =  0.0009999999999588667
v =  -1.5485260282367943
alpha =  -7.973997052001044
beta =  22.222565160998283
f(x) = 
##### Done. #####

##### my_f at x =  [-0.200001 -0.2     ] #####
u =  -1.0000010000000001
sqrt(1-u) =  1.4142139159264415
sqrt(1+u) =  nan
v =  -1.5485302466134128
alpha =  nan
beta =  22.222642208927322
f(x) = 
##### Done. #####

e[ 0 ] =  [1.e-06 0.e+00]
f(x + e[ 0 ]) =  -1.780486346234917e-09
f(x - e[ 0 ]) =  nan
##### my_f at x =  [-0.2      -0.199999] #####
u =  -1.0
sqrt(1-u) =  1.4142135623730951
sqrt(1+u) =  0.0
v =  -1.548527137423857
alpha =  -8.0
beta =  22.222566263573963
f(x) = 
##### Done. #####

##### my_f at x =  [-0.2      -0.200001] #####
u =  -1.0
sqrt(1-u) =  1.4142135623730951
sqrt(1+u) =  0.0
v =  -1.548529137423857
alpha =  -8.0
beta =  22.22264110629725
f(x) = 
##### Done. #####

e[ 1 ] =  [0.e+00 1.e-06]
f(x + e[ 1 ]) =  -1.786290485440547e-09
f(x - e[ 1 ]) =  -1.7861567995988046e-09
***** Done. ***** 

WARNING: gradiant calculation returned NaN
x* =  [-0.2 -0.2]
Hessian at x* = 
***** my_grad_approx at x =  [-0.199999 -0.2     ] *****
##### my_f at x =  [-0.199998 -0.2     ] #####
u =  -0.999998
sqrt(1-u) =  1.414212855266137
sqrt(1+u) =  0.0014142135623541761
v =  -1.5485239190522238
alpha =  -7.963224594456855
beta =  22.22252663717692
f(x) = 
##### Done. #####

##### my_f at x =  [-0.2 -0.2] #####
u =  -1.0
sqrt(1-u) =  1.4142135623730951
sqrt(1+u) =  0.0
v =  -1.5485281374238569
alpha =  -8.0
beta =  22.22260368491507
f(x) = 
##### Done. #####

e[ 0 ] =  [1.e-06 0.e+00]
f(x + e[ 0 ]) =  -1.778149501075135e-09
f(x - e[ 0 ]) =  -1.7862236413056787e-09
##### my_f at x =  [-0.199999 -0.199999] #####
u =  -0.9999990000000001
sqrt(1-u) =  1.4142132088196604
sqrt(1+u) =  0.0009999999999588667
v =  -1.5485250282367944
alpha =  -7.973997052001044
beta =  22.222527739675733
f(x) = 
##### Done. #####

##### my_f at x =  [-0.199999 -0.200001] #####
u =  -0.9999990000000001
sqrt(1-u) =  1.4142132088196604
sqrt(1+u) =  0.0009999999999588667
v =  -1.5485270282367944
alpha =  -7.973997052001044
beta =  22.222602582361898
f(x) = 
##### Done. #####

e[ 1 ] =  [0.e+00 1.e-06]
f(x + e[ 1 ]) =  -1.7805529756354463e-09
f(x - e[ 1 ]) =  -1.7804197192545872e-09
***** Done. ***** 

***** my_grad_approx at x =  [-0.200001 -0.2     ] *****
##### my_f at x =  [-0.2 -0.2] #####
u =  -1.0
sqrt(1-u) =  1.4142135623730951
sqrt(1+u) =  0.0
v =  -1.5485281374238569
alpha =  -8.0
beta =  22.22260368491507
f(x) = 
##### Done. #####

##### my_f at x =  [-0.200002 -0.2     ] #####
u =  -1.000002
sqrt(1-u) =  1.4142142694796995
sqrt(1+u) =  nan
v =  -1.5485323558054604
alpha =  nan
beta =  22.222680733035
f(x) = 
##### Done. #####

e[ 0 ] =  [1.e-06 0.e+00]
f(x + e[ 0 ]) =  -1.7862236413056787e-09
f(x - e[ 0 ]) =  nan
##### my_f at x =  [-0.200001 -0.199999] #####
u =  -1.0000010000000001
sqrt(1-u) =  1.4142139159264415
sqrt(1+u) =  nan
v =  -1.5485292466134128
alpha =  nan
beta =  22.22260478756765
f(x) = 
##### Done. #####

##### my_f at x =  [-0.200001 -0.200001] #####
u =  -1.0000010000000001
sqrt(1-u) =  1.4142139159264415
sqrt(1+u) =  nan
v =  -1.548531246613413
alpha =  nan
beta =  22.222679630328063
f(x) = 
##### Done. #####

e[ 1 ] =  [0.e+00 1.e-06]
f(x + e[ 1 ]) =  nan
f(x - e[ 1 ]) =  nan
***** Done. ***** 

***** my_grad_approx at x =  [-0.2      -0.199999] *****
##### my_f at x =  [-0.199999 -0.199999] #####
u =  -0.9999990000000001
sqrt(1-u) =  1.4142132088196604
sqrt(1+u) =  0.0009999999999588667
v =  -1.5485250282367944
alpha =  -7.973997052001044
beta =  22.222527739675733
f(x) = 
##### Done. #####

##### my_f at x =  [-0.200001 -0.199999] #####
u =  -1.0000010000000001
sqrt(1-u) =  1.4142139159264415
sqrt(1+u) =  nan
v =  -1.5485292466134128
alpha =  nan
beta =  22.22260478756765
f(x) = 
##### Done. #####

e[ 0 ] =  [1.e-06 0.e+00]
f(x + e[ 0 ]) =  -1.7805529756354463e-09
f(x - e[ 0 ]) =  nan
##### my_f at x =  [-0.2      -0.199998] #####
u =  -1.0
sqrt(1-u) =  1.4142135623730951
sqrt(1+u) =  0.0
v =  -1.548526137423857
alpha =  -8.0
beta =  22.222528842273906
f(x) = 
##### Done. #####

##### my_f at x =  [-0.2 -0.2] #####
u =  -1.0
sqrt(1-u) =  1.4142135623730951
sqrt(1+u) =  0.0
v =  -1.5485281374238569
alpha =  -8.0
beta =  22.22260368491507
f(x) = 
##### Done. #####

e[ 1 ] =  [0.e+00 1.e-06]
f(x + e[ 1 ]) =  -1.7863573320035263e-09
f(x - e[ 1 ]) =  -1.7862236413056787e-09
***** Done. ***** 

***** my_grad_approx at x =  [-0.2      -0.200001] *****
##### my_f at x =  [-0.199999 -0.200001] #####
u =  -0.9999990000000001
sqrt(1-u) =  1.4142132088196604
sqrt(1+u) =  0.0009999999999588667
v =  -1.5485270282367944
alpha =  -7.973997052001044
beta =  22.222602582361898
f(x) = 
##### Done. #####

##### my_f at x =  [-0.200001 -0.200001] #####
u =  -1.0000010000000001
sqrt(1-u) =  1.4142139159264415
sqrt(1+u) =  nan
v =  -1.548531246613413
alpha =  nan
beta =  22.222679630328063
f(x) = 
##### Done. #####

e[ 0 ] =  [1.e-06 0.e+00]
f(x + e[ 0 ]) =  -1.7804197192545872e-09
f(x - e[ 0 ]) =  nan
##### my_f at x =  [-0.2 -0.2] #####
u =  -1.0
sqrt(1-u) =  1.4142135623730951
sqrt(1+u) =  0.0
v =  -1.5485281374238569
alpha =  -8.0
beta =  22.22260368491507
f(x) = 
##### Done. #####

##### my_f at x =  [-0.2      -0.200002] #####
u =  -1.0
sqrt(1-u) =  1.4142135623730951
sqrt(1+u) =  0.0
v =  -1.548530137423857
alpha =  -8.0
beta =  22.222678527720475
f(x) = 
##### Done. #####

e[ 1 ] =  [0.e+00 1.e-06]
f(x + e[ 1 ]) =  -1.7862236413056787e-09
f(x - e[ 1 ]) =  -1.7860899603198772e-09
***** Done. ***** 

[[            nan             nan]
 [            nan -2.42801152e-06]] 
/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:24: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt

6.4.7. Activity: Use \(I\) in place of Hessian#

Create an alternative function that returns the identity matrix for the Hessian.

def eye_hes(x):
    return 50*np.eye(len(x))

Test with starting point \(x=[0.7,0.3]^T\)

# Specify starting point
x0 = np.array([0.7, 0.3])

# Create a Lambda (anonymous) function for gradient calculation
calc_grad = lambda x : my_grad_approx(x,my_f,1E-6,verbose=False);

# Call optimization routine
x,f,p = alg1(x0,my_f,calc_grad,eye_hes,eps1,eps2,max_iter=25,verbose=False);

# Actual Hessian
print("Hessian at x* = ")
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(lambda)
0   	-4.9246e+00 	1.0874e+01 	2.1749e-01 	 5.0000e+01
1   	-1.4795e+00 	1.6883e+01 	3.3765e-01 	 5.0000e+01
2   	-1.8403e+00 	2.6363e+01 	5.2725e-01 	 5.0000e+01
3   	-1.2461e-01 	1.6246e+00 	3.2493e-02 	 5.0000e+01
4   	-1.9169e-01 	2.5753e+00 	5.1507e-02 	 5.0000e+01
5   	-3.8498e-01 	5.2112e+00 	1.0422e-01 	 5.0000e+01
6   	-1.4594e+00 	1.6836e+01 	3.3673e-01 	 5.0000e+01
7   	-1.9249e+00 	2.6467e+01 	5.2934e-01 	 5.0000e+01
8   	-1.1531e-01 	1.5097e+00 	3.0195e-02 	 5.0000e+01
9   	-1.7247e-01 	2.3351e+00 	4.6703e-02 	 5.0000e+01
10   	-3.2703e-01 	4.5030e+00 	9.0059e-02 	 5.0000e+01
11   	-1.0837e+00 	1.3485e+01 	2.6971e-01 	 5.0000e+01
12   	-4.4497e+00 	2.0946e+01 	4.1891e-01 	 5.0000e+01
13   	-1.6236e-01 	2.1013e+00 	4.2026e-02 	 5.0000e+01
14   	-2.8114e-01 	3.6906e+00 	7.3812e-02 	 5.0000e+01
15   	-7.2912e-01 	9.1154e+00 	1.8231e-01 	 5.0000e+01
16   	-4.1506e+00 	2.1547e+01 	4.3094e-01 	 5.0000e+01
17   	-5.4382e-03 	2.2424e-01 	4.4848e-03 	 5.0000e+01
18   	-6.5332e-03 	2.6508e-01 	5.3017e-03 	 5.0000e+01
19   	-8.0846e-03 	3.2179e-01 	6.4357e-03 	 5.0000e+01
20   	-1.0414e-02 	4.0482e-01 	8.0965e-03 	 5.0000e+01
21   	-1.4199e-02 	5.3561e-01 	1.0712e-02 	 5.0000e+01
22   	-2.1098e-02 	7.6415e-01 	1.5283e-02 	 5.0000e+01
23   	-3.6112e-02 	1.2322e+00 	2.4644e-02 	 5.0000e+01
24   	-8.0386e-02 	2.4796e+00 	4.9592e-02 	 5.0000e+01
25   	-3.1729e-01 	7.8096e+00 	1.5619e-01 	 5.0000e+01
Maximum number of iterations.
x* =  [0.71010106 0.23551614]
Hessian at x* = 
[[ 45.25146924   7.93809463]
 [  7.93809463 147.99461656]] 

Eigenvalues:  [ 44.64177775+0.j 148.60430805+0.j] 

Test with starting point \(x=[0.0,0.0]^T\)

# Specify starting point
x0 = np.array([0.0, 0.0])

# Call optimization routine
x,f,p = alg1(x0,my_f,calc_grad,calc_hes,eps1,eps2);

# Actual Hessian
print("Hessian at x*= ")
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(lambda)
0   	 1.6212e-06 	1.5568e-04 	3.8590e-02 	-2.9496e-03
1   	 5.4102e-07 	5.5405e-05 	3.6202e-02 	-1.0900e-03
x* =  [-0.00124597 -0.07478209]
Hessian at x*= 
[[0.0001531  0.00055527]
 [0.00055527 0.00014766]] 

Eigenvalues:  [ 0.00070565+0.j -0.00040489+0.j] 

6.4.8. Adjust Hessian with Levenberg-Marquardt Correction#

def adjusted_hes(x,grad,eps2,eps3,verbose=False):
    # Estimate Hessian with finite difference
    hes = my_hes_approx(x,grad,eps2)
    # Calculate eigenvalues
    l, V = linalg.eig(hes)
    smallest_ev = np.min(np.real(l))
    # Calculate modification
    delta = 0
    if(smallest_ev - eps3 < 0):
        delta = -smallest_ev + eps3
        print("Added ({0:1.4e})*I in LM correction.".format(delta))
    # Adjust hessian with Levenberg-Marquardt Correction
    return V.dot(np.diag(np.real(l)) + delta*np.eye(len(x))).dot(V.T)
# Specify starting point
x0 = np.array([-0.1, -0.1])

# Create a Lambda (anonymous) function for Hessian calculation
calc_hes = lambda x : adjusted_hes(x,calc_grad,1E-6,1E-3,verbose=True)

# Call optimization routine
x,f,p = alg1(x0,my_f,calc_grad,calc_hes,eps1,eps2,verbose=False);

# Actual Hessian
print("Hessian at x*= ")
Iter. 	f(x) 		||grad(x)|| 	||p|| 		min(lambda)
Added (1.2030e-03)*I in LM correction.
0   	-2.0284e-07 	6.5946e-06 	6.5923e-03 	 1.0000e-03
x* =  [-0.09849776 -0.0935812 ]
Hessian at x*= 
[[ 4.20491243e-05 -5.31304857e-05]
 [-5.31304857e-05 -2.35437850e-04]] 

Eigenvalues:  [ 5.18741524e-05+0.j -2.45262878e-04+0.j]