Homework 1: Computing and Data Analysis Review#

Learning Objectives#

In this homework assignment, you will review and practice the following skills from CBE 20258:

Each topic links to pages on a website with the CBE 20258 content. The search feature on the CBE 20258 is a great way to find more related examples.


This homework problem is inspired, in part, by a Wired blog post analyzing an incident with a cannonball on the popular show Myth Busters.

Consider \(n\) iron cannonballs of mass 12 lb (5.44 kg) fired at unknown angles \(\theta_i\) (where \(i \in \{1,...,n\}\)) with unknown initial velocities \(v_{0,i}\). The drag on the cannonball is \(F_D = \frac{1}{2} \rho C_D A v |v|\) where \(\rho\) is the density of air, \(C_D\) is the coefficient of drag, and \(A\) is the cross sectional area of the cannonball. We can lump these parameters together into a single unknown coefficient \(\bar{C}_D\):

\[\begin{equation} F_D = \bar{C}_D v |v| \end{equation}\]

It is important to use \(v |v|\) to account for the change in sign when the cannonball transitions from moving upward to moving downward.

Applying Newton’s laws of motion gives the following coupled differential equations:

\[\begin{equation} m \frac{dv_x}{dt}=-\bar{C}_D v_x |v |, \quad m \frac{dv_z}{dt} = -mg - \bar{C}_D v_z | v |, \quad \frac{dx}{dt} = v_x, \quad \frac{dz}{dt} = v_z, \quad |v| = \sqrt{v_x^2 + v_z^2} \end{equation}\]

We assume the cannonball is fired from the origin at time \(t=0\) where \(x\) and \(z\) represent horiztonal and vertical displacement, respectively. This gives the follow initial values:

\[\begin{equation} x(0) = 0, \quad z(0) = 0, \quad v_x(0) = v_0 \cos(\theta), \quad v_z(0) = v_0 \sin(\theta) \end{equation}\]

The \(n\) cannonballs are fired on completely flat terrian. We observe the impact location (horizonal distance traveled), impact time, and crater size. The latter can be correlated with impact velocity:

Time (s)

Horizontal Displacement (m)

Impact Velocity (m/s)










Given these data, our ultimate goals are:

  • Build a mathematical model

  • Estimate \(\theta_i\), \(v_{0,i}\) and \(\bar{C}_D\)

  • Predict the distance traveled and impact velocity of a cannonball shot at a new angle and initial velocity with uncertainty

We will assume the time, location, and velocity measurements are corrupted with normally distributed noise with a standard deviations of 0.2 s, 5 m, and 20 m/s, respectively. When we do regression, we need to account for the fact that the velocity estimates (based on crater size) have greater uncertainty.

Exercise 1#

On paper, derive the above ordinary differential equation model from first principles, similar to Physics I. Start with a free body diagram. Use trigonomety to justify the initial conditions.

Exercise 2#

Write a Python function to numerical simulate a cannon ball experiment. The inputs to your function should be the unknown parameters \(\theta_i\), \(v_{0,i}\), and \(\bar{C}_D\). Your function should return:

  1. Final time \(t_f > 0\) when the cannonball returns to zero elevation, i.e., \(z(t_f) = 0\)

  2. Horizontal distance traveled, \(x(t_f)\)

  3. Impact velocity, \(v(t_f) = \sqrt{v_x(t_f)^2 + v_z(t_f)^2}\)

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.integrate as integrate
%matplotlib inline

def ode_rhs(t, y, Cd):
    """ODE system for a cannonball with drag
        t: time (s)
        y: state vector [x, z, vx, vz] (m, m, m/s, m/s)
        Cd: drag coefficient (kg/m)
        dy: time derivative of the state vector [vx, vz, ax, az] (m/s, m/s, m/s^2, m/s^2)


    x, z, vx, vz = y
    vabs = np.sqrt(vx**2 + vz**2)

    g = 9.81 # m/s^2
    m = 5.44 # kg

# Add your solution here

def simulate_experiment(Cd, angle, v0=100, tmax=200, plot=True, tdata=None, xdata=None, vdata=None):
    """Simulate an experiment.
        Cd: drag coefficient (kg/m)
        angle: launch angle (degrees)
        v0: initial speed (m/s)
        tmax: maximum time (s)
        plot: bool, if true, plot simulation results and data
        tdata: measured impact time (s) [only used for plotting]
        xdata: measured impact location (m) [only used for plotting]
        vdata: inferred impect velocity (m/s) [only used for plotting]
        tfinal: final time (s)
        xfinal: final x position (m)
        vfinal: final speed (m/s)


# Add your solution here

Exercise 3#

Test your function by simulating the provided data for the cannonball experiments. For each experiment, make a plot showing the model predictions (lines) and observed data (symbols). You can use the data given below as intial guesses for \(\theta_{i}\) and \(v_{0,i}\). You can use \(\bar{C_D} = 0.003\) as an intial guess for the coefficient of drag.

import pandas as pd

data = {}
data['time'] = [12.0, 6.9, 15.3]
data['distance'] = [726., 529., 616.]
data['velocity'] = [73., 77., 76.]
data['theta_guess'] = [40., 20., 60.]
data['v0_guess'] = [110., 100., 90.]
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# Confirm your plots show both the simulation results (lines)
# and experimental data (symbols)
for i, row in df.iterrows():    

Exercise 4#

Perform nonlinear regression to estimate \(\bar{C}_D\), \(\theta_1\), …, \(\theta_n\), \(v_{0,1}\), …, \(v_{0,n}\). Report the estimate parameters with a reasonable number of significant digits. Include plots to compare the model predictions and experiment data.

from scipy.optimize import least_squares

def unpack(param):
    """ Unpacks the vector "param"

        param: vector [Cd, theta1, theta2, ..., thetaN, v01, v02, ..., v0N]
        Cd: lumped drag coefficient (kg/m)
        theta: launch angles (degrees)
        v0: initial speeds (m/s)
    n = (len(param) - 1 )//2
    Cd = param[0]
    theta = param[1:(n+1)]
    v0 = param[(n+1):(2*n+1)]
    return Cd, theta, v0

def pack(Cd, theta, v0):
    """ Packs the parameters into a vector

        Cd: lumped drag coefficient (kg/m)
        theta: launch angles (degrees)
        v0: initial speeds (m/s)
        param: vector [Cd, theta1, theta2, ..., thetaN, v01, v02, ..., v0N]
    return np.hstack([Cd, theta, v0])

# Assumed standard deviation of measurement error
sigma_t = 0.2 # s
sigma_x = 5 # m
sigma_v = 2 # m/s

def residuals_all(parameter_vec, data, plot=False):
    Computes the residuals for all experiments

        parameter_vec: vector [Cd, theta1, theta2, ..., thetaN, v01, v02, ..., v0N]
        data: dataframe with experimental data
        plot: bool, if true, plot simulation results and data

        residuals: vector of residuals scaled by the measurement uncertainty

    n = len(data)

    Cd, theta, v0 = unpack(parameter_vec)

    # Allocate matrix for residuals, n experiments (rows) with 3 measurements per experiment (columns)
    residuals = np.zeros((n,3))

    # Loop over experiments
    for i, row in data.iterrows():
        # Simulate experiment    
        tsim, xsim, vsim = simulate_experiment(Cd, 
                        v0 = v0[i], 
        # Compute and record scaled residuals
        residuals[i,0] = (tsim - row.time)/sigma_t
        residuals[i,1] = (xsim - row.distance)/sigma_x
        residuals[i,2] = (vsim - row.velocity)/sigma_v

    # Flatten the residual matrix into a vector
    return residuals.reshape(3*n)

# Define initial guess
initial_vector = pack([0.003], df.theta_guess.to_numpy(), df.v0_guess.to_numpy())

# Evaluate residuals at initial guess
# Perform nonlinear regression

# Add your solution here

# Determine the number of experiments
n = len(df)

# Extract the estimated parameters
Cd_est = sln.x[0]
theta_est = sln.x[1:(n+1)]
v0_est = sln.x[(n+1):(2*n+1)]

# Print the results (with rounding and units)
print("Cd =",round(Cd_est,4)," kg/m")
for i in range(0,n):
    print("theta =",round(theta_est[i],1),"degrees")
    print("v0 =",round(v0_est[i],1),"m/s")

# Plot the experimental data and the simulation results
residuals_all(sln.x, df, True)

Exercise 5#

Quantify the uncertainty in your parameter estimates. Hint: Calculate the covariance matrix and correlation matrix of the estimated parameters.

# Add your solution here
# Add your solution here
# Add your solution here
# Add your solution here
# Add your solution here

Interpret your uncertianty estimate in a few sentences.


In a few sentences, describe and justify your choice of uncertainty quantification method. In other words, what are the pros and cons of the selected method and why it is a reasonable choice for this problem.


Exercise 6#

Determine the firing angle \(\theta_j\) and intial velocity \(v_{0,j}\) to hit a target at 300 m with an impact velocity of 80 m/s.

from scipy.optimize import fsolve

def firing_residuals(guess):
    """ Residuals for the firing experiment
        guess: vector [angle in deg, v0 in m/s]

        residuals: vector [position, impact speed]


    # Add your solution here

Exercise 7#

Quantify and interpret the uncertainty in your prediction (distance, time, velocity) from the previous exercise. Assume you can specify the firing angle and initial velocity with uncertainties of 1 degree and 2 m/s, respectively. You also have some uncertainty in your estimate of \(C_D\) (quantified above). Hint: Calculate the covariance matrix and correlation matrix for the predicted displacement and impact velocity.

# Add your solution here

# Here is code copied from CBE 20258 notebooks that you may find helpful
# You can also answer this question without calculating a Jacobian
def Jacobian(f,x,delta = 1.0e-7):
    '''Approximate Jacobian using forward finite difference

        f: vector-valued function
        x: point to build approximation J(x) around
        delta: finite difference step size

        J: m x n Jacobian matrix (approximation), where
            n = length of x
            m = length of f(x)



    #Evaluate function f at x
    fx = f(x) #only need to evaluate this once
    # Determine size
    N = x.size
    M = fx.size
    # Allocate empty matrix
    J = np.zeros((M,N))

    idelta = 1.0/delta #division is slower than multiplication
    x_perturbed = x.copy() #copy x to add delta
    # Loop over elements of x and columns of J
    for i in range(N):
        # Perturb (apply step) to element i of x
        x_perturbed[i] += delta
        # Approximate column in Jacobian
        col = (f(x_perturbed) - fx) * idelta
        # Reset element of x
        x_perturbed[i] = x[i]
        # Save results
        J[:,i] = col
    # end for loop
    return J

# Add your solution here

Please interpret the uncertainty in your predictions. How do these results compare to the measurement uncertainty?


Submission Instructions#

Please submit your answer to Exercise 1, neatly written on paper, to Gradescope as a PDF. Please submit your answers to the remaining exercises in this notebook (.ipynb file) to Gradescope. There are two separate assignments on Gradescope.