This notebook contains material from cbe67701-uncertainty-quantification; content is available on Github.

11.3 The Kennedy-O’Hagan Predictive Model

Created by Jiale Shi ( These examples and codes were adapted from:

  • McClarren, Ryan G (2018). Uncertainty Quantification and Predictive Computational Science: A Foundation for Physical Scientists and Engineers, Chapter 11 : Predictive Models Informed by Simulation, Measurement, and Surrogates, Springer, and its supplementary material Calibration Simple with Discrep.ipynb
In [1]:
## import all needed Python libraries here
from pyDOE import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
%matplotlib inline

import math
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal
from scipy.stats import  norm
import numpy as np
In [2]:
#covariance function
def cov(x,y,beta,l,alpha):
    exponent = np.sum(beta*np.abs(x-y)**alpha)
    return 1/l * math.exp(-exponent)
In [3]:
#likelihood function
def likelihood(z,x,beta,lam,alpha, beta_t, lam_t, alpha_t, meas_cov, N,M):
    Sig_z = np.zeros((N+M,N+M))
    #fill in matrix with sim covariance
    for i in range(N+M):
        for j in range(i+1):
            tmp = cov(x[i,:],x[j,:],beta,lam,alpha)
            if (i < N):
                tmp += cov(x[i,0], x[j,0], beta_t, lam_t, alpha_t)
            Sig_z[i,j] = tmp
            Sig_z[j,i] = tmp
    #add in measurement error cov
    Sig_z[0:N,0:N] += meas_cov
    likelihood = multivariate_normal.logpdf(z,mean=0*z, cov=Sig_z,allow_singular=True)
    return likelihood

11.3.1 Toy example of KOH model

To demonstrate the behavior of the predictive model, we consider a simple simulation code

$$\eta (x,t) = \sin xt$$

We also consider measurement generated from the function

$$y(x) = \sin 1.2 x + 0.1 x + \epsilon =\eta(x,1.2)+0.1 x + \epsilon$$

where $\epsilon$ is a measurement error that is normally distributed with mean 0 and standard deviation 0.005. We will use the Kennedy-O'Hagan model to estimate the calibration parameter, which in this case has a true value of $t=1.2$, and fit a discrepancy function. We know that the true discrepancy function is linear, and we can compare our estimate to the true function.

In [4]:
#pick x points
N = 10
M = 40
x = np.zeros((N+M,2))

#10 measurement by sampling x from a standard normal distribution
x[0:N,0] = np.reshape(norm.ppf(lhs(1, N)),N)

#sample the simulation with 40 points usng 2D  lhs of 
#standard normal for x and a normal variable with mean 1 
#and standard deviation 0.2 for the t variable
x[N:(N+M),:] = lhs(2, M)
x[N:(N+M),0] = norm.ppf(x[N:(N+M),0] ) # for x 
x[N:(N+M),1] = norm.ppf(x[N:(N+M),1], loc=1,scale=0.2 )  # for t variable

z = np.zeros(N+M)
sd_meas = 0.005
simfunc_n = lambda x,t: np.sin(t*x)
simfunc = lambda x: simfunc_n(x,1.2)
truefunc = lambda x: simfunc(x) + 0.1*x
z[0:N] = truefunc(x[0:N,0]) + np.random.normal(size=N,loc=0,scale=sd_meas)
z[N:(M+N)] = simfunc_n(x[N:(N+M),0], x[N:(M+N),1])

plt.plot(x[0:N,0], z[0:N],'o')
plt.plot(x[N:(N+M),0], z[N:(M+N)],'+')

plt.plot(1.2*np.ones(N), z[0:N],'o')
plt.plot(x[N:(N+M),1], z[N:(M+N)],'+')

plt.title("t histogram")

plt.title("x histogram")

11.3.2 Prior for hyperparameters

In [5]:
beta_prior = lambda beta: np.sum(-0.5*np.log(1-np.exp(-beta))-beta)
lambda_prior = lambda lam: (5-1)*np.log(lam) - 5*lam

beta_t_prior = lambda beta: (-0.6*np.log(1-np.exp(-beta))-beta)
lambda_t_prior = lambda lam: np.log(lam) - 0.001*lam


t_0 = np.array([1.2])
t_curr = t_0.copy()
t_sd = np.array([0.05])
beta_curr = np.array([.95,.95])
beta_t_curr = np.array([.95])
lam_curr = [0.5,1]
lam_sd = 0.1
beta_sd = 0.05
meas_cov = sd_meas**2*np.identity(N)
x[0:N,1] = t_curr.copy()
old_like = (likelihood(z,x,beta_curr,lam_curr[0],2,
                       beta_t_curr,lam_curr[1],2,meas_cov, N,M) + beta_prior(beta_curr) + lambda_prior(lam_curr[0]) +
           beta_t_prior(beta_t_curr) + lambda_t_prior(lam_curr[1]))
beta_hist = np.resize(beta_curr.copy(),(1,2))
beta_t_hist = np.resize(beta_t_curr.copy(),(1,1))
lam_hist = np.resize(lam_curr.copy(),(1,2))
t_hist = np.resize(t_curr.copy(),(1,1))

11.3.3 Generate $10^4$ MCMC chain

We generate $10^4$ MCMC samples after a burn-in period of $10^4$ samples to fit the prediction model for this data. In this problem the chain centers on the correct value of $t$ in a small number of samples.

Note: This cell takes several minutes to run.

In [6]:
for times in range(1):
    Steps = 20000
    for i in range(Steps):

        #propose new thetas
        good = 0
        while not(good):
            t_new = np.random.normal(size=1,loc=t_curr,scale=t_sd)
            good = np.max(np.abs(t_new)) <= 5
        #propose new hyperparams
        good = 0
        while not(good):
            beta = np.abs(np.random.normal(size=2,loc=beta_curr,scale=beta_sd))
            good = (np.max(np.abs(beta)) <= 100) and (np.min(np.abs(beta)) > 0) 
        good = 0
        while not(good):
            beta_t = np.abs(np.random.normal(size=1,loc=beta_t_curr,scale=beta_sd))
            good = (np.max(np.abs(beta_t)) <= 100) and (np.min(np.abs(beta_t)) > 0) 
        lam = np.abs(np.random.normal(size=2,loc=lam_curr,scale=lam_sd))
        x[0:N,1] = t_new.copy()
        new_like = (likelihood(z,x,beta,lam[0],2,
                               beta_t,lam[1],2,meas_cov, N,M) + beta_prior(beta) + lambda_prior(lam[0]) +
                   beta_t_prior(beta_t) + lambda_t_prior(lam_curr[1]))

        accept_prob = new_like - old_like
        alpha = np.random.rand()
        if (new_like > old_like) or (math.log(alpha) < accept_prob):
            beta_hist = np.append(beta_hist,np.resize(beta,(1,2)),axis=0)
            beta_t_hist = np.append(beta_t_hist,np.resize(beta_t,(1,1)),axis=0)
            lam_hist = np.append(lam_hist,np.resize(lam,(1,2)),axis=0)
            t_hist = np.append(t_hist,np.resize(t_new,(1,1)),axis=0)
            t_curr = t_new.copy()
            beta_curr = beta.copy()
            beta_t_curr = beta_t.copy()
            lam_curr = lam.copy()
            old_like = new_like
            beta_hist = np.append(beta_hist,np.resize(beta_curr,(1,2)),axis=0)
            beta_t_hist = np.append(beta_t_hist,np.resize(beta_t_curr,(1,1)),axis=0)
            lam_hist = np.append(lam_hist,np.resize(lam_curr,(1,2)),axis=0)
            t_hist = np.append(t_hist,np.resize(t_curr,(1,1)),axis=0)

11.3.4 Draw a sample from the Markov chain and use those values of hyperparamters to construct a GP model using the data and make prediction

In [7]:
#GPR with uncalibrated
#construct a GP Model
def GPR(X,y,Xstar,k,sigma_n,M,cov_mat,cov_t,disc=1):
    N = y.size
    #build covariance matrix
    K = np.zeros((N,N))
    kstar = np.zeros(N)
    for i in range(N):
        for j in range(0,i+1):
            K[i,j] = k(X[i,:],X[j,:])
            if (i < M):
                K[i,j] += cov_t(X[i,0], X[j,0])
            if not(i==j):
                K[j,i] = K[i,j]
                K[i,j] += sigma_n**2
    #add in measurement error cov
    K[0:M,0:M] += meas_cov
    #compute Cholesky factorization
    L = np.linalg.cholesky(K)
    u = np.linalg.solve(L,y)
    u = np.linalg.solve(np.transpose(L),u)
    #now loop over prediction points
    Nstar = Xstar.shape[0]
    ystar = np.zeros(Nstar)
    varstar = np.zeros(Nstar)
    kstar = np.zeros(N)
    for i in range(Nstar):
        #fill in kstar
        for j in range(N):
            kstar[j] = k(Xstar[i,:],X[j,:]) 
            if (j < M):
                kstar[j] += disc*cov_t(Xstar[i,0], X[j,0]) #+ cov_mat[0,0]
        ystar[i] =,kstar)
        tmp_var = np.linalg.solve(L,kstar)
        varstar[i] = k(Xstar[i,:],Xstar[i,:]) -,tmp_var)
    return ystar, varstar
def cov(x,y,beta,l,alpha):
    exponent = np.sum(beta*np.abs(x-y)**alpha)
    return 1/l * math.exp(-exponent)

11.3.5 Test the predictive model

In [8]:
Ns = 100
Np = 20
samps = np.random.randint(high=t_hist.size,low=10**4, size= Ns) # The burn- in period used was 10**4
Xstar = np.zeros((Np,2))
ystar = np.zeros(Ns)
varstar = ystar*0

deltastar = np.zeros(Ns)
delta_pred = np.zeros((Np,3))
Xstar[:,0] = np.random.uniform(size=Np,low=-3,high=3)
ytrue = truefunc(Xstar[:,0]) + np.random.normal(size=Np,loc=0,scale=sd_meas) 
ypred = np.zeros((Np,Ns))
for i in range(Ns):
    Xstar[:,1] = t_hist[samps[i],:]
    x[0:N,1] = t_hist[samps[i]]
    cov_f = lambda x,y: cov(x,y,beta=beta_hist[samps[i],:],l=lam_hist[samps[i],0],alpha=2)
    cov_t = lambda x,y: cov(x,y,beta=beta_t_hist[samps[i],:],l=lam_hist[samps[i],1],alpha=2)
    ypred[:,i],varstar = GPR(x,
[[ 2.49553651  0.        ]
 [ 2.07438417  0.        ]
 [-1.60677375  0.        ]
 [-1.22424983  0.        ]
 [ 2.83406696  0.        ]
 [-2.48758094  0.        ]
 [-1.13871149  0.        ]
 [-1.12929309  0.        ]
 [ 0.37743566  0.        ]
 [ 2.29919926  0.        ]
 [-2.08565405  0.        ]
 [ 1.28983723  0.        ]
 [ 0.36307943  0.        ]
 [ 1.20791175  0.        ]
 [-1.14718899  0.        ]
 [-2.84962614  0.        ]
 [-0.09367906  0.        ]
 [ 2.27862724  0.        ]
 [ 1.97785384  0.        ]
 [-1.50488606  0.        ]] [ 0.40523664  0.81584213 -1.09115008 -1.11729191  0.02750562 -0.40713419
 -1.08546614 -1.09051774  0.48270081  0.59459431 -0.81198543  1.12661918
  0.4609217   1.11807748 -1.09694189 -0.01245319 -0.12300681  0.62332479
  0.88761495 -1.12630528]
In [9]:
for i in range(Np):
print (ypred_mean)
for i in range(Ns):
    plt.plot(ytrue[0:Np],ypred[:,i],'.',c='black', ms = '1')
plt.plot(ytrue[0:Np], ypred_mean,'.',c='red',ms=10)
#compare with Fig. 11.8
#Prediction from the predictive model versus actual at 20 new measurements generated. 
#Each point represents the mean of the estimate generated using 100 different samples from the MCMC chain
# and the error bars give the range of those estimates.
[0.6488889603921766, 0.7864667181144501, -1.1008164398530547, -1.1211182873475027, 0.675904794959659, -0.7238906493790005, -1.0976983713632702, -1.0944658616679421, 0.47491930176851727, 0.6838666308152755, -0.8998084721272154, 1.1225450177709184, 0.4578613893942037, 1.1108695165054527, -1.1004975526233596, -0.5872057437523103, -0.12425067356416662, 0.6906058697397721, 0.8453541963642139, -1.1244098532731543]

To make a prediction using the KOH model, we have to modify the difinition of $\bf{k}^*$ to include the kernel function for the discrepancy function. Each element of the vector is $$(\bf{k})^{*} = k({\bf{x_{i}, t, x^*, t^*}}) + k_{\delta}(\bf{x_{i}, x^*}), \ \ \ i = 1, ..., N$$ $$(\bf{k})^{*} = k({\bf{x_{i}, t, x^*, t^*}}) , \ \ \ i = N+1, ..., N+M$$

where $k({\bf{x_{i}, t, x^*, t^*}})$ is the covariance kernel function for simulations. The prediction requires this definition of $\bf{k}^{*}$ to inform the prediction vector that the covariance between the predicition should have a different form when compared with the simuation training points versus the measurement point.

11.3.6 Plot surface Full prediction

In [10]:
Ns = 100
Np = 100
samps = np.random.randint(high=t_hist.size,low=10**4, size= Ns)
Xstar = np.zeros((Np,2))
Xstar[:,0] = np.linspace(-3,3,Np)
ystar = np.zeros(Ns)
varstar = ystar*0

deltastar = np.zeros(Ns)
delta_pred = np.zeros((Np,3))
ytrue = truefunc(Xstar[:,0]) + np.random.normal(size=Np,loc=0,scale=sd_meas) 
ypred = np.zeros((Np,Ns))

for i in range(Ns):
        Xstar[:,1] = t_hist[samps[i],:]
        x[0:N,1] = t_hist[samps[i]]
        cov_f = lambda x,y: cov(x,y,beta=beta_hist[samps[i],:],l=lam_hist[samps[i],0],alpha=2)
        cov_t = lambda x,y: cov(x,y,beta=beta_t_hist[samps[i],:],l=lam_hist[samps[i],1],alpha=2)
        ypred[:,i],varstar = GPR(x,
In [11]:
#plt.plot(Xstar[:,0], ypred[:,0],'o')
plt.plot(Xstar[:,0], np.mean(ypred,axis=1),'-',c='red',label='Full Prediction Mean')
plt.plot(Xstar[:,0], np.percentile(ypred,q=95,axis=1),'--',c='black',label="90% Prediction Interval")
plt.plot(Xstar[:,0], np.percentile(ypred,q=5,axis=1),'--',c='black')
plt.plot(Xstar[:,0], truefunc(Xstar[:,0]),'k--' ,c='blue',label='Truth')
plt.ylabel('y') Prediction without a discrepancy

The evaluation of the expected simulation result from the predictive model can be accomplished by removing the $k_{\delta}(\bf{x}_{i}-\bf{x}^*)$ term from Eq.(11.23) to get a prediction without a discrepancy. This simulation prediction can then be used to evaluate the discrepancy function via substraction from the full prediction.

In [12]:
ystar = np.zeros(Ns)
varstar = ystar*0

deltastar = np.zeros(Ns)
delta_pred = np.zeros((Np,3))
ytrue = truefunc(Xstar[:,0]) + np.random.normal(size=Np,loc=0,scale=sd_meas) 
ypred_sim = np.zeros((Np,Ns))

# prediction without discrepancy by setting disc=0
for i in range(Ns):
        Xstar[:,1] = t_hist[samps[i],:]
        x[0:N,1] = t_hist[samps[i]]
        cov_f = lambda x,y: cov(x,y,beta=beta_hist[samps[i],:],l=lam_hist[samps[i],0],alpha=2)
        cov_t = lambda x,y: cov(x,y,beta=beta_t_hist[samps[i],:],l=lam_hist[samps[i],1],alpha=2)
        ypred_sim[:,i],varstar = GPR(x,
                                  cov_mat=sd_meas**2*np.identity(N),cov_t=cov_t,disc=0) Simulation $\eta(x,t)$

In [13]:
plt.plot(Xstar[:,0], np.mean(ypred_sim,axis=1),'-',c='red',label='Simulation Prediction Mean')
plt.plot(Xstar[:,0], np.percentile(ypred_sim,q=95,axis=1),'--',c='black',label="90% Prediction Interval")
plt.plot(Xstar[:,0], np.percentile(ypred_sim,q=5,axis=1),'--',c='black')
plt.plot(Xstar[:,0], simfunc(Xstar[:,0]),'k--',c='blue',label='Simulation')
plt.ylabel('y') Discrepancy $\delta(x)$

In [14]:
plt.plot(Xstar[:,0], np.mean(ypred-ypred_sim,axis=1),'-',c='red',label='Discrepency Prediction Mean')
plt.plot(Xstar[:,0], np.percentile(ypred-ypred_sim,q=95,axis=1),'--', c='black',label="90% Prediction Interval")
plt.plot(Xstar[:,0], np.percentile(ypred-ypred_sim,q=5,axis=1),'--',c='black')
plt.plot(Xstar[:,0], truefunc(Xstar[:,0])-simfunc(Xstar[:,0]),'k--',c='blue',label='True Discrepency')