This notebook contains material from cbe67701-uncertainty-quantification; content is available on Github.
Created by Elvis A. Eugene (
The text and theory in this notebook have been adapted from
The package similaritymeasures was developed by:
A helper function from StackOverflow is also used in this notebook
# Packages to interface with your operating system or Colab
import shutil
import sys
import os.path
# Check if similaritymeasures is available. If not, install it.
if not shutil.which("similaritymeasures"):
!pip install similaritymeasures
print("similaritymeasures found! No need to install.")
# load libraries
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import similaritymeasures as sm
# set random seed for numpy
## set plotting parameters
plt.rc('font', size=SMALL_SIZE) # controls default text sizes
plt.rc('axes', titlesize=SMALL_SIZE) # fontsize of the axes title
plt.rc('axes', labelsize=MEDIUM_SIZE) # fontsize of the x and y labels
plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=SMALL_SIZE) # fontsize of the tick labels
plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=SMALL_SIZE) # fontsize of the tick labels
plt.rc('legend', fontsize=SMALL_SIZE) # legend fontsize
plt.rc('figure', titlesize=BIGGER_SIZE) # fontsize of the figure title
plt.rc('figure', figsize=FIG_SIZE) # figure size
The deflection of a end-loaded cantilevered beam is given by:
\begin{equation} y = \frac{4fL^3}{Ewh^3} \end{equation}def deflection_model(f,L,E,w,h):
f: force [N]
L: length of beam [m]
E: elastic modulus [Pa]
w: width of beam [m]
h: height of beam [m]
deflection of the beam [m]
return (4*f*L**3)/(E*w*h**3)
L, w, and h are parameters with aleatoric uncertainty and follow the distributions: \begin{equation} L \sim \mathcal{N}(1,0.05) \end{equation}
\begin{equation} w \sim \mathcal{N}(0.01,0.0005) \end{equation}\begin{equation} h \sim \mathcal{N}(0.02,0.0005) \end{equation}Deflection is estimated using simple random sampling
def estimate_deflection(E, f, n_samples):
E: elastic modulus [Pa]
f: force [N]
n_samples: number of samples for estimator
y: estimated deflection [m]
mu_L = 1 # [m]
sig_L = 0.05 # [m]
mu_w = 0.01 # [m]
sig_w = 0.0005 # [m]
mu_h = 0.02 # [m]
sig_h = 0.0005 # [m]
y = 0 # [m]
for i in range(n_samples):
# sample parameters with aleatoric uncertainty
L = np.random.normal(loc=mu_L,scale=sig_L)
w = np.random.normal(loc=mu_w,scale=sig_w)
h = np.random.normal(loc=mu_h,scale=sig_h)
# cumulative expected value of deflection
y += deflection_model(f,L,E,w,h)
# end loop over n_samples
# calculated expected value of deflection
y = y/n_samples
return y
Observations of deflection were simulated to compare it's CDF to the p-box and calculate model discrepancy d
def observe_deflection(E, f):
mu_L = 1 # [m]
sig_L = 0.05 # [m]
mu_w = 0.01 # [m]
sig_w = 0.0005 # [m]
mu_h = 0.02 # [m]
sig_h = 0.0005 # [m]
stdev_obs_err = 0.01
y = 0 # [m]
# sample parameters with aleatoric uncertainty
L = np.random.normal(loc=mu_L,scale=sig_L)
w = np.random.normal(loc=mu_w,scale=sig_w)
h = np.random.normal(loc=mu_h,scale=sig_h)
y = deflection_model(f,L,E,w,h)
# calculated observed deflection
y += np.random.normal(loc=0,scale=stdev_obs_err)
return y
CDFs were plotted using the following function
def plot_cdf(fig,ax,y,label=None,color='k',alpha=0.3):
# sort y in ascending order
asc_idx = np.argsort(y)
# get cdf of y
y_cdf = y[asc_idx]
# calculate ranks for cdf
cdf = np.linspace(0,1,len(y_cdf))
# plot
return y_cdf, cdf
For a fixed values of the epistemically uncertain parameter, i.e. elastic modulus E, a CDF of the QoI, i.e., deflection y is produced. Sampling from a uniform distribution between the values of the epistemically uncertain parameter E produces one CDF per sample, which when plotted, gives a horsetail plot
## main
# set interval for elastic modulus
E_low = 69e9
E_high = 100e9
# force
f = 75 # N
# number of samples for mc estimation
n_mc_samples = 10
# number of points for cdf calculation
n_cdf_points = 500
# number of samples of E with epistemic uncertainty
n_E_samples = 25
# array to save results
# each row corresponds to one realization of E
y = np.zeros((n_E_samples,n_cdf_points))
# y_cdf = np.zeros((n_E_samples,n_cdf_points))
# plot cdf
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for i in range(n_E_samples):
# sample E which containts epistemic uncertainty
E = np.random.uniform(E_low,E_high)
for j in range(n_cdf_points):
y[i,j] = estimate_deflection(E,f,n_mc_samples)
# end cdf calculation
y[i,:], not_used = plot_cdf(fig,ax,y[i,:],label='low',color='k')
# End loop over samples of E
plt.title('Horsetail plot for deflection')
The upper and lower bounds of the CDF in the horsetail plot, $\overline{P}$ and $\underline{P}$ respectively, enclose an area between them known as the probability box or p-box. The p-box represents a range of CDFs that can represent the system.
def plot_pbox(fig,ax,y_cdf,ht_min_adj=None,ht_max_adj=None,obs=None,obs_cdf=None,color='k'):
fig: matplotlib figure object
ax: matplotlib axis object corresponding to fig
y_cdf: simulations of the QoI at multiple realizations of the epistemically uncertain parameter, 2D numpy array
ht_min_adj: adjusted lower bound of the pbox, 1D numpy array
ht_max_adj: adjusted upper bound of the pbox, 1D numpy array
obs: experimental observations, 1D numpy array
obs_cdf: CDF of experimental observatinos, 1D numpy array
color: line color for plotting
ht_top: top boundary of p-box, 1D numpy array
ht_bottom: bottom boundary of p-box, 1D numpy array
ht_min: lower/left boundary of p-box, 1D numpy array
ht_max: upper/right boundary of p-box, 1D numpy array
cdf_top: plot vector corresponding to ht_top, 1D numpy array
cdf_bottom: plotting vector corresponding to ht_bottom, 1D numpy array
cdf_minmax: plotting vector corresponding to ht_min and ht_max, 1D numpy array
# arrays to save p-box boundaris
ht_top = np.zeros(y_cdf.shape[1])
ht_bottom = np.zeros(y_cdf.shape[1])
ht_min = np.zeros(y_cdf.shape[1])
ht_max = np.zeros(y_cdf.shape[1])
# top and bottom boundary of p-box
ht_top = y_cdf[:,-1]
ht_bottom = y_cdf[:,0]
# lower and upper bound of p-box
for i in range(y_cdf.shape[1]):
ht_min[i] = np.amin(y_cdf[:,i])
ht_max[i] = np.amax(y_cdf[:,i])
# cdf vectors for plotting
cdf_top = np.ones(len(y_cdf))
cdf_bottom = np.zeros(len(y_cdf))
cdf_minmax = np.linspace(0,1,y_cdf.shape[1])
# plot
# plot adjusted p-boxes
if (type(obs)==np.ndarray):
if (type(ht_min_adj)==np.ndarray):
ax.step(ht_min_adj,cdf_minmax,color=color,linestyle=':',label='Adjusted p-box')
if (type(ht_max_adj)==np.ndarray):
plt.title('p-box for deflection')
return ht_top, ht_bottom, ht_min, ht_max, cdf_top, cdf_bottom, cdf_minmax
fig,ax = plt.subplots()
ht_top, ht_bottom, ht_min, ht_max, cdf_top, cdf_bottom, cdf_minmax = plot_pbox(fig,ax,y)
Using 10 observations at f = 75 N, the CDF of the observations is compared with the p-box to give the validation metric d
The validation metric d generalizes the discrepancy between experimental observations and the p-box and is defined as:
\begin{equation} d(F_{sim} - F_{obs}) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} = D(\overline{P},\underline{P},F_{obs}(Q))dQ \end{equation}\begin{equation} D(\overline{P},\underline{P},F_{obs}(Q)) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0 & F_{obs}(Q) \in [\overline{P}(Q),\underline{P}(Q)] \\ min(|F_{obs}(Q)-\overline{P}(Q)|,|F_{obs}(Q)-\underline{P}(Q)|) & F_{obs}(Q) \notin [\overline{P}(Q),\underline{P}(Q)] \\ \end{array} \right. \end{equation}where Q is the QoI and F(Q) is the CDF of the QoI
The p-box for the prediction is then defined as: \begin{equation} \underline{P}_{pred} (Q) = \underline{F}(Q-d) \qquad \overline{P}_{pred} (Q) = \overline{F}(Q+d) \end{equation}
Alternately, one could calculate the portion of d to the left and right of the p-box and asymmetrically adjust the p-box: \begin{equation} d_{left}(F_{sim},F_{obs}) = d(\underline{P}(Q),F_{obs}(Q)) \end{equation}
\begin{equation} d_{right}(F_{sim},F_{obs}) = d(\overline{P}(Q),F_{obs}(Q)) \end{equation}# perform 10 experiments
n_exp = 10
obs = np.zeros(n_exp)
for i in range(n_exp):
E = np.random.uniform(E_low,E_high)
obs[i] = observe_deflection(E,f)
fig,ax = plt.subplots()
obs, obs_cdf = plot_cdf(fig,ax,obs,label='Observations',color='r',alpha=1)
ht_top, ht_bottom, ht_min, ht_max, cdf_top, cdf_bottom, cdf_minmax = plot_pbox(fig,ax,y)
def find_nearest(array, value):
array : array to search for closest scalar value in, 1D numpy array
value: scalar value to search for in array
idx: index of arr whose element is closest to value
arr[idx]: element in array closest to value
array = np.asarray(array)
idx = (np.abs(array - value)).argmin()
return idx, array[idx]
def calc_d_left(ht_min,cdf_minmax,obs,obs_cdf):
ht_min: lower/left boundary of p-box, 1D numpy array
cdf_minmax: plotting vector corresponding to ht_min and ht_max, 1D numpy array
obs: experimental observations, 1D numpy array
obs_cdf: CDF of experimental observatinos, 1D numpy array
d_left: left sided model discrepancy
# find the intersection between cdf of observations and left P-box
for i in range(len(obs)):
# find the nearest value to the observation in the cdf
near_idx, near_val = find_nearest(cdf_minmax,obs_cdf[i])
diff = ht_min[near_idx] - obs[i]
if (diff<0) and (near_idx>0) and (i > 0):
ht_min_int_idx = near_idx
obs_int_idx = i
if False:
ht_min_int_idx = 0
obs_int_idx = 0
# END find the intersection between cdf of observations and left P-box
## define curves bounding d_left
# CDF of observations/experimental data
x_obs = obs[0:obs_int_idx]
y_obs = obs_cdf[0:obs_int_idx]
exp_data = np.zeros((len(x_obs), 2))
exp_data[:, 0] = x_obs
exp_data[:, 1] = y_obs
# left p-box boundary/simulated data
x_p_left = ht_min[0:ht_min_int_idx]
y_p_left = cdf_minmax[0:ht_min_int_idx]
sim_data = np.zeros((len(x_p_left)+1, 2))
sim_data[0,0] = 0
sim_data[0,1] = 0
sim_data[1:, 0] = x_p_left
sim_data[1:, 1] = y_p_left
# calculate d_left i.e. area under the curve
d_left = sm.area_between_two_curves(exp_data, sim_data)
return d_left
def calc_d_right(ht_max,cdf_minmax,obs,obs_cdf):
ht_max: upper/right boundary of p-box, 1D numpy array
cdf_minmax: plotting vector corresponding to ht_min and ht_max, 1D numpy array
obs: experimental observations, 1D numpy array
obs_cdf: CDF of experimental observatinos, 1D numpy array
d_left: left sided model discrepancy
# find the intersection between cdf of observations and left P-box
for i in range(len(obs)):
# find the nearest value to the observation in the cdf
near_idx, near_val = find_nearest(cdf_minmax,obs_cdf[i])
diff = ht_max[near_idx] - obs[i]
if (diff<0) and (near_idx>0) and (i > 0):
ht_max_int_idx = near_idx
obs_int_idx = i
if False:
ht_max_int_idx = 0
obs_int_idx = 0
# END find the intersection between cdf of observations and left P-box
## define curves bounding d_left
# CDF of observations/experimental data
x_obs = obs[obs_int_idx:]
y_obs = obs_cdf[obs_int_idx:]
exp_data = np.zeros((len(x_obs), 2))
exp_data[:, 0] = x_obs
exp_data[:, 1] = y_obs
# left p-box boundary/simulated data
x_p_right = ht_max[ht_max_int_idx:]
y_p_right = cdf_minmax[ht_max_int_idx:]
sim_data = np.zeros((len(x_p_right), 2))
sim_data[:, 0] = x_p_right
sim_data[:, 1] = y_p_right
# calculate d_left i.e. area under the curve
d_right = sm.area_between_two_curves(exp_data, sim_data)
return d_right
d_left = calc_d_left(ht_min,cdf_minmax,obs,obs_cdf)
d_right = calc_d_right(ht_max,cdf_minmax,obs,obs_cdf)
d_total = d_left+d_right
print('d = {0:.4f}'.format(d_total))
print('d_left = {0:.4f}'.format(d_left))
print('d_right = {0:.4f}'.format(d_right))
The predicted delfection of the beam when a force $\mathrm{f_{new}}$ = 100 N is applied is given by computing the p-box at $\mathrm{f_{new}}$ and symmetrically or asymmetrically adjusting the p-box
# calculate p-box at 100 N
f_new = 100 # [N]
# array to save results
# each row corresponds to one realization of E
y_pred = np.zeros((n_E_samples,n_cdf_points))
# y_cdf = np.zeros((n_E_samples,n_cdf_points))
# plot cdf
fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots()
for i in range(n_E_samples):
# sample E which containts epistemic uncertainty
E = np.random.uniform(E_low,E_high)
for j in range(n_cdf_points):
y_pred[i,j] = estimate_deflection(E,f_new,n_mc_samples)
# end cdf calculation
y_pred[i,:], not_used = plot_cdf(fig2,ax2,y_pred[i,:],label='low',color='k')
# End loop over samples of E
plt.title('Horsetail plot for deflection')
# plot and extract p-box arrays
fig,ax = plt.subplots()
ht_top_pred, ht_bottom_pred, ht_min_pred, ht_max_pred, cdf_top_red, cdf_bottom_pred, cdf_minmax_pred =\
# symmetric adjustment of p-box
ht_min_sym = ht_min_pred-d_total
ht_max_sym = ht_max_pred+d_total
fig,ax = plt.subplots()
p = plot_pbox(fig,ax,y_pred,ht_min_adj=ht_min_sym,ht_max_adj=ht_max_sym)
plt.title('Symmetrically adjusted p-box');
# asymmetric adjustment of p-box
ht_min_asym = ht_min_pred - d_left
ht_max_asym = ht_max_pred + d_right
fig,ax = plt.subplots()
p = plot_pbox(fig,ax,y_pred,ht_min_adj=ht_min_asym,ht_max_adj=ht_max_asym)
plt.title('Aymmetrically adjusted p-box');